The truth about Andrew Yang’s wife: Evelyn Yang

Andrew Yang was the surprise package of the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primary. Yang emerged from relative obscurity to become a strong contender for the Democratic Party nomination. His universal basic income policy attracted wide debate and remains a hot topic in American politics.

Yang did not make it to the ballot, but the disappointment did not dampen his appetite for political office. Yang campaigned for the Democratic nomination in the upcoming New York City mayoral election, but conceded defeat to Eric Adams.

Andrew Yang’s wife, Evelyn Yang, helps Andrew maintain a healthy work-life balance. This article will reveal some truths about her.

She trusted Andrew from the first moment she met him.

Andrew is a student at Columbia University, but the couple did not meet during their school days. Andrew worked at Manhattan Prep and Evelyn worked at L’Oreal. Evelyn told the Washington Post that he trusted Andrés from the beginning;

“He seemed so serious and genuine. I felt like he was holding his heart, which was refreshing. I joke with him, even now, it’s like he doesn’t have any game. He wasn’t trying to play games in any way, and I really love that about him.”

Evelyn is also an alumnus at Columbia University and part of her education included international studies in Shanghai. During one of her trips to Shanghai, she met Eileen Lee. This meeting would prove beneficial to her husband, as Eileen became director of operations for Venture across America. Andrew launched the non-profit company to train youth in entrepreneurship.

Eileen revealed in an interview with the Columbia Venture Community;

“[Evelyn] and I had left corporate jobs after 5+ years, and was in the middle of a career change when I met him. I was looking to focus on building something that would help people. After hearing the idea over dinner, Andrew offered me a job. I called him the next day and he was inside.”

The couple got married in 2011 at a secret location by the sea.

After dating for a while, the couple tied the knot on January 3, 2011. However, public records show that they obtained their marriage license in 2010.

It’s unclear where the couple got married, but their wedding photos suggest it was somewhere on the East Coast or the Caribbean. Photos from their purple-themed wedding are on a Facebook page known as CD Weddings.

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The wedding photos show that it was a small and intimate wedding. There weren’t many guests, suggesting the couple only invited close family and friends.

Evelyn and Andrew are still very close to each other. The secret is that they find time to be together. Date nights are frequent, and dating helps strengthen the bond between the couple.

Evelyn quit her job as a marketing executive to become a stay-at-home mom.

Evelyn Yang and Andrew Yang

Evelyn and Andrew’s marriage has produced two children, ages 6 and 3. The family lives in a 2-bedroom apartment in Manhattan, and the children sleep in bunk beds. When the family is not in Manhattan, they often enjoy a weekend at their country house in the Hudson Valley.

Evelyn quit her job as a marketing executive to become a stay-at-home mom. She made this decision to take closer care of one of her children, who is autistic. Andrew revealed in a YouTube interview that he appreciates the work that his wife does.

Andrew also uses his wife to explain his economic philosophy. On December 13, 2018, he tweeted;

“My wife is at home with our two children, one of whom is on the autism spectrum. What is her contribution? GDP says $0. The money market says $0. We know otherwise. We must evolve towards a more humane economy”.

His son’s autistic condition has also influenced part of Andrew’s campaign philosophy. Evelyn and Andrew know that caring for an autistic child can be difficult without the right resources. That’s why one of his campaign policies is to fund autism intervention. Andrew wrote on the campaign website about him;

“One of my children is on the autism spectrum. I know how invaluable resources and intervention can be, particularly if adopted early… As a country, we must provide parents with ample resources so that they can intervene to support the development of children with autism or who are otherwise exceptional . These kids have something unique to offer.”

Evelyn opened up about sexual assault at the hands of embarrassed doctor Robert Hadden

In an interview with CNNEvelyn testified that she suffered sexual abuse at the hands of Robert Hadden when she was seven months pregnant with the couple’s first child. Ella Evelyn said that she blamed herself and did not inform Andrew about the attack.

“Not everyone has the audience or the platform to tell their story, and I actually feel like I’m in this privileged position to be able to do it,” Evelyn said. She said that Robert made up an excuse to keep her in the office and proceeded to assault her:

“I was dressed and ready to go. Then, at the last minute, he made up an excuse. She said something to the effect of, ‘I think you might need a C-section,’ and proceeded to walk me over to him, undress me, and examine me internally, without gloves.”

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Evelyn then worked with the Manhattan district attorney’s office to press charges against Robert Hadden. Unfortunately, Hadden got away with a slap on the wrist: the nature and scope of his crimes warranted a harsher sentence.

The plea agreement he signed gave him no jail time and required him to give up his medical license. She also earned the lowest sex offender status. Yang feels that the judge would have thrown out the plea agreement if she and other accusers had testified during her sentencing. She said:

“They flatly denied me. It was very strategic so that the judge would not be swayed if there were dozens of women in court saying that this man had assaulted them to this point, maybe the judge would have said: ‘Why don’t you go to jail? Why aren’t you chasing jail time?’”

After Evelyn’s interview, more women came forward accusing Hadden of sexual assault. District Attorney Cyrus Vance came under intense criticism for what people perceived as leniency on racial bias. He responded through the following statement:

“Because a conviction is never a guaranteed outcome in a criminal trial, our main concern was to hold him accountable and make sure he never did this again, so we insisted on a felony conviction and permanent surrender of his medical license. ”.

Along with other survivors, Yang lobbied Manhattan federal prosecutors to indict Hadden on more sexual assault charges.

She trusted Yang to update her on the election since she doesn’t use social media.

Andrew announced his intention to run as a presidential candidate in November 2017. He started out as a nobody, but after publishing his book, The War on Ordinary People: The Truth About America’s Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Futurepeople began to take it seriously.

When Andrew talked to Evelyn about his political ambitions, she thought he was joking. She only realized Andrew was serious when she quit her job. Andrew decided to run after persistent calls from friends asking him to run for political office. At the time, the pair simply laughed off calls to compete for the position because politics didn’t seem to match Andrew’s character.

Andrew has proven everyone wrong, including himself, and is now a strong candidate for the Democratic Party. Evelyn tries to support him as much as she can. she told the Washington Post;

“When he becomes a man on a mission, he gets very excited and passionate, and there’s really no stopping him. And the truth is that he did not know how far he would go. But I believed in what he was trying to achieve. There is nothing to do but be supportive”.

Evelyn trusts her husband to keep her updated on how the campaign is going. She doesn’t use social media, so she probably thinks some of her friends don’t know that Andrew is running for president.

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Evelyn supports her whenever she can, but she doesn’t like to talk about her husband’s campaign. she told the Washington Post;

“Once you say, ‘My husband is running for president,’ it kind of hijacks the conversation.”

She and Andrew are raising their children under the Christian religion.

Evelyn and Andrew decided to raise their children with Christian values. The family rarely misses church services, and Andrew admits that Christianity has had a positive impact on the family. He revealed on his website;

“My wife and I have been bringing our children to church for the past several years. It has been very positive for the whole family. During this time, I became friends with my pastor, Mark Mast.”

Andrew’s political ambitions and policies have also benefited from the family’s close relationship with the church. He revealed on his website;

“The meeting with the Christian businessmen was enlightening. I found that the themes and point of view of the campaign align in many important ways: an abundance mentality, community, and helping the little ones among us.”

Church time provides helpful family bonding time for this close family. For the time being, Evelyn and Andrew have chosen to keep their children out of the public eye. Most politicians involve their children when it comes to campaigning, but Andrew and Evelyn seem unlikely to involve their children.

The children are probably too young to realize that their father could become the most powerful man on the planet.

Evelyn and Andrew have decided not to circumcise their sons

Andrew and Evelyn managed to keep their sons out of the public eye, but revealed that the boys will not undergo circumcision. The circumcision debate began when a Twitter user asked Andrew about his stance on circumcision.

Andrew stated that he was against the practice. Evelyn later revealed that a pediatrician advised the couple that the circumcision was purely cosmetic. she told the Washington Post; “Why would I have to operate for something strictly cosmetic?”

Evelyn’s interest in circumcision deepened when Netflix recommended watching the documentary, american circumcision. She didn’t understand why Netflix recommended the documentary, but she and Andrew watched it anyway. The documentary only served to strengthen her position against circumcision.

Andrew is against the circumcision of his sons, but the fight against circumcision is not part of his campaign. He tweeted that he is in favor of parents making their own decisions when it comes to circumcision. On March 20, he tweeted;

“Just to clarify: I support the freedom of parents to adopt circumcision for whatever religious or cultural ritual they wish… It’s always up to the parents.”

Categories: Biography

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