Will Smith’s Character Is Still A Problem For I Am Legend 2

i’m a legend 2 Will Smith’s character Robert Neville will be brought back after the first film’s alternate ending – but that’s still a problem. The long-awaited sequel 2007 i’m a legend The film is intended to be more closely tied to the novel by author Richard Matheson. Although the book follows the plot of Neville’s discovery that vampires, or Darkseekers as they are called in the movies, can form an emotional bond, it ends in the death of the human. object. So right now, the way forward is not clear.

in the original ending i’m a legendprotagonist Robert Neville sacrifices his life so that the cure for the virus Krippin he discovered can spread to where it is needed. In this version, the victim i’m a legendThe zombie epidemic is nothing but mindless monsters. However, in the film’s alternate ending, Neville realizes that the creatures he is capturing and testing have the ability to love. This is situation i’m a legend The same goes for the book, but unlike the novel, Neville survives the film’s version of the ending. This raises the question of whether Neville is alive or dead. i’m a legend 2

I’m a Legend 2 Robert Neville is suspected

not finish i’m a legend The movie is perfect. The theatrical release scrapped the idea of ​​complex-minded “zombie” and started a new society, but it killed off Will Smith’s character just like the original. i’m a legend 2 After an alternate ending, he miraculously resurrected. However, this puts the sequel film in an uncomfortable place. Does it promise to keep Neville alive and see him survive the new movie, or will Will Smith’s character be resurrected only to be killed again later in a different way?

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Since Robert Neville died on screen i’m a legend 2, it’s hard to replicate the emotional impact of his sacrifice in the sequel. Doing so can even make viewers feel silly, and will make it clear that the original ending of the movie has been remade just to make money from Will Smith in the sequel. On the other hand, if Neville survived i’m a legend 2this would be very different from the whole story of the original novel – because Robert Neville couldn’t be the nominal “legend” he would have been if he hadn’t died.

Will Smith’s Robert Neville must die to become ‘legend’

Will the smith in me be the legend

inside i’m a legend The title of the book refers to the posthumous myth of Robert Neville, the last member of the human race to be uninfected. In this version, the character is held captive by a vampire, who later realizes that the vampire sees him as a monster and a murderer because he is performing experiments on people. Surname. He is willing to give up control, accept that he has no place on Earth anymore, and content himself to become a legend. On the other hand, in the original i’m a legend Towards the end of the film, Neville becomes a legend for his great sacrifice and role in the discovery of a cure.

However, another ending i’m a legend The movie doesn’t make much sense compared to the title. This indicates that, continuing this version of the story, the audience will discover how the character Will Smith will become a legend. That could mean his character has a unique ending in any given adaptation, but given the overall theme of the book, death may be the only option that makes sense for Neville. . sure, i’m a legend 2 It will have to be creative with how it develops, so that it doesn’t completely disconnect from the multiple versions of the existing story.

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