Pat McAfee Comments on Aaron Rodgers-Jimmy Kimmel Controversy, Apologizes for ‘Being a Part of It’

Pat McAfee, host of The Pat McAfee Show on ESPN, talks about what Aaron Rodgers said on his show about Jimmy Kimmel this week.

Aaron continued. The Pat McAfee Show this week and claimed that Jimmy’s name would be discovered as one of the people mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein’s documents.

If you don’t know, the disgraced millionaire died in prison in August 2019. Now, a New York judge can reveal the names of 187 people named in these legal documents this week.

Jimmy denied this claim and criticized Aaron for his “reckless” comments, threatening to sue.

Read on for Pat McAfee’s statement…

Pat said he and his team have been “getting two hours of sleep” after covering the Rose Bowl on New Year’s Day.

Pat then opened his show on Wednesday (Jan. 3) by saying, “There could be some things that certainly, probably (I mean, we’re going to have to hear from Aaron on that one) were meant to be a fucking joke. that can then turn into something that is obviously a very serious accusation, which then leads to a massive overnight story, one where I put the baby to sleep, haven’t seen her in a while, then take my phone and oh boy. Obviously, we never like her to be associated with anything negative. “We would like our show to be uplifting and happy and fun, but that’s because we talk shit and try to make light of everything.”

“Obviously, some things make people very angry, especially when it comes to such serious allegations. So we apologize for being a part of this. I can’t wait to hear what Aaron has to say about it. Hopefully, those two will be able to resolve this, you know, not in terms of work, but they will be able to chat and move on,” he continued.

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“I can understand why Jimmy got so upset, yeah, I definitely completely understand, especially with his position, but I also think Aaron is saying, ‘Hey, this guy said some things about me in his monologue,’ and he’s just trying to do it. talk about shit. I don’t think he meant anything else, but he’ll have to clarify that for us,” Pat added.

Categories: Biography

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