Would Jacob Elordi play James Bond? He reacts when fans choose him as 007

Jacob Elordi is responding to the possibility of him playing James Bond.

Many fans have taken to social media to suggest that the 26-year-old actor would be a good choice to play 007 in the future.

Daniel Craig was, of course, the last actor to play James Bond on screen, with his last appearance in There is no time to die in 2021. Since then, there have been many suggestions about who the next Bond should be.

In a recent interview to promote his new film. salty burnJacob shared his opinion on the people who cast him as the secret agent.

Find out how Jacob Elordi reacted inside…

“Is that what they’re saying? Oh my God. Wow, that’s beautiful,” she said. Extra. “I just like that people want to include me in their movies. That makes me very happy”.

His salty burn His co-star Barry Keoghan, who was sitting next to him, even suggested he could play Jacob’s James Bond villain!

Find out which other actors fans want to play James Bond…

In case you missed it, Jacob recently revealed that he turned down the audition for the next Superman: legacy.

Categories: Biography
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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