Why The Simpsons Almost Cut Hans Moleman Before He Even Got His Name

The Simpsons An impressive list of memorable roles has accumulated over the years, but one of the most recognizable has to be Hans Moleman. Moleman first appeared in Season 2, Episode 14, “Charming Principal” with a mole-like face and a stooped posture. Since then, Moorman has been providing viewers with light-hearted comedies on the show for decades, and is known for his frequently brutally murdered characters.

Moleman has been treated in several ways. While several deaths in the series help advance the plot, such as when Maud Flanders is killed, Morman’s character is there as an endless reservoir of mistakes that almost always keep him focused on what die. The character itself is an ongoing joke in the series, now consistently meeting certain expectations from viewers.

While Hans Moleman has become a fan favorite The Simpsons, a background role that barely extends beyond his debut. The show’s creator, Matt Groening, was initially unconvinced by the old man’s wrinkled appearance. Moleman doesn’t quite fit the typical model The Simpsons What the character was supposed to look like, especially with a less uniform initial silhouette, so he was pretty much dropped from the game before being named. For some reason, Mooreman doesn’t get along with The Simpsons creator Matt Groening, who thinks the character seems too unconventional for the main characters he should support. During the interview (via vulture), Al Jean, Host and Executive Producer The Simpsonsrecalls Groening’s reaction to Moorman at the screening, when he “Stand up and say, ‘This shouldn’t be on the show anymore.'”

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However, sometimes protruding characters like sore thumbs are a good thing. Although Groening didn’t want anything to do with the character at first, the screenwriters jumped at the chance to keep Moorman on. The character handling itself was hilarious; he was never meant to stay, so killing him repeatedly is a subtle (or maybe not so subtle) nod to that fact.

despite the fact The Simpsons The writers have been killing Moorman for decades, and it doesn’t look like he’s leaving the series anytime soon. Mooreman has come a long way since a character appeared in season two that some consider a one-time appearance. As long as Hans Mollman’s death continues to delight audiences, it looks like he’ll remain a recurring character in the series, wrinkly and all.

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