What is the ethnic origin of Tina Turner? The singer’s Native American connections

Tina Turner’s long battle with the disease culminated in her passing on May 24, 2023. Her publicist Bernard Doherty issued the following statement: “Tina Turner, the ‘Queen of Rock ‘n Roll’ has died peacefully today at the age 83 years old after a long illness at home in Kusnacht near Zurich, Switzerland. With her, the world loses a music legend and role model.”

Tina Turner was African American, European and Cherokee

Tina Turner was born on November 26, 1939 to Zelma and Floyd Bullock in Nutbush, Tennessee. Her father was African American; her mother was half Cherokee, one quarter European, and one quarter African American.

Floyd, a Baptist deacon, managed farm land at Poindexter Farm and worked in a factory. Tina herself remembered picking cotton with her family when she was a child. the singer said Rolling Stone that, compared to other Nutbush families, the Bullocks were doing well:

“We always had nice furniture, and our house was always nice. We had our own separate bedroom and dining room, and we had pigs and animals. I knew people who didn’t, so I knew the difference and we weren’t poor.”

Zelma and Floyd broke up when Tina was in her late teens. Tina and her sister, Eileen, initially lived with her father. When Tina was 16, she and Eileen moved with Zelma to St. Louis, where she met Ike Turner, who gave Tina her big break.

Categories: Biography
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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