Tactics Ogre Reborn: How to Use the WORLD System (New Game Plus)

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Goblin Reincarnation StrategyThe WORLD system is different from the traditional New Game Plus. The player can jump to any point on the branching timeline instead of starting over. This allows one to fully explore all the plot options.

WORLD can be used to recruit all possible characters and finish perfectly Goblin Reincarnation Strategy saved file. It even corrects story choices and mistakes players make on the first try. This system can also be used simply to reset encounters and battles on the farm.

World mechanics and limitations

The WORLD system is unlocked on the player’s first failure Goblin Reincarnation Strategy And check any ending. WORLD is not universal and will only be a mechanism to clear game operations. This new option will appear as a menu in the Warren report. Any save that uses the world will now include a new wheel icon in the upper left corner.

The player can jump backward or forward in time. They will keep troops, weapons and other equipment. When entering a story battle for the first time, teams will sync with the appropriate alliance level. However, when replaying such a battle, maybe Goblin Reincarnation Strategy Pre-war settings. All participants will still earn experience points, even if they fall outside the expected alliance rank.

Tactical Ogre Reborn: How to Use the World System (New Game Enhanced)

Although the base level of troops will be reduced, not all stats will be adjusted. Players will still retain their equipped spells, skills, and weapon finishers. Neither player nor enemy armor is reduced, it is more important to use attacks that overcome resistance types. In some rare cases, using WORLD will result in Goblin Reincarnation Strategy Their first fight became more intense because of this skewed synchronicity.

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waren and army report

Recruited characters will have their skills and equipment even as they travel back in time. If the aforementioned role appears as Goblin Reincarnation Strategy Guest NPC, AI will be adjusted to match the player’s customization. If a character is an enemy, they will remain at the base level and the player will still be able to deploy copies of themselves. If a guest or enemy dies in battle, they will be recorded as dead in the Warren Report, but will not be removed from the player’s party. It is not possible to recruit a second clone if the character in the story is already in the military. However, new clones may be required to join if they have previously been killed or removed altogether.

anchor point

Tactical Ogre Reborn: How to Use the World System (New Game Enhanced)

The anchor is a part of the timeline where the player can jump quickly. When going through the next Anchor, it will log all the details and current story choices – including which character lives up to Warren’s report, side quest progress, and Goblin Reincarnation Strategy Famous Chaos Kingdom. Each anchor is independent of the other, and data saved to an anchor does not affect any past or upcoming anchors. For example, if you go back in time to save Ravness in the first chapter, they still need to go through the other Neos involved in her recruiting quest.


next event


alliance level

Cutscenes: Liberating Duke Longway

Battle: Mount Tynemouth

first person


Video: Tactical exercises

Campaign: Golborza . Plains

first person


Footage: Going to Balma Musa

Campaign: Lake Poldu

first person


Combat: Balmosa

Combat: Xeod Wastes

second law


Operation: Port of Ashidon

Cutscenes: Back to Almorica

second law


Battle: Mount Tynemouth

Video: A harbinger of doom

second law


Footage: Rhime Ablaze

Battle: Gate of Almorica

second law


Cutscenes: Leaving Asyton

Operation: Port of Ashidon

Chaos II


Combat: Xeod Wastes

Campaign: Lake Poldu

Chaos II


Video: Folcurt’s Promise

Operation: Hold Kadrigar

Chaos II


Footage: Rhime Ablaze

Footage: The Duke’s Wrath

Chaos II


Video: kiss is kiss

Combat: Madura Drift

third law


Combat: Reisan Way

Battle: Coritae Keep

third law


Cutscenes: Last Days on the Frontline

Battle: Gate of Almorica

third law

twenty one

Battle: Webery Hill

Video: Blind Swordsman

third law


Operation: Port of Ashidon

Combat: Xeod Wastes

chaos three


Campaign: Bahana Heights

The Curtain Wall of Brigantys

chaos three


Footage: Burnham Field

Battle: Webery Hill

chaos three

twenty one

Battle: Baldur Fortress

Campaign: Pidoch Wall

chaos three


Footage: Sir Milden returns

Battle: Baldur Fortress

neutral Tuesday


Battle: Mount Tynemouth

Operation: Port of Ashidon

neutral Tuesday


Cutcene: Regain Rhime

Battle: Coritae Keep

neutral Tuesday

twenty one

Cutcene: Death of a Duke

Video: Lionel’s address

neutral Tuesday


Video: Resistance leader

Campaign: Bahana Heights



Fighting: Hagia Banhamuba

Battle: Message from the Princess



Cutscenes: Catiua’s Siblings or Death

Footage: Princess Proclamation or Face Dynasty



Video: Church by the sea

Campaign: At the Foot of the Garden



Battle: Chamber of Seals

Video: Diva Julia



Fight: Into the Dark

Video: Finding Warren



Footage: Warren is back

Combat: Drakroa Commons



Battle: Torakorian Road

Battle: Golyat Docklands



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Chapter 4 Shared anchor points

Players should pay special attention to the WORLD’s reaction before the finals Goblin Reincarnation Strategy story chapters. All three paths of rule, chaos, and neutrality lead to a similar fourth chapter. However, each has their own side quests and encounters. If you jump too much in the final chapter, it could end up with a bad timeline. This could include unexpected loyalty scores, locked dungeons, or characters dying in the storyline. To keep things organized, it’s a good idea to go through all of Chapter 4 at once before moving on to Chapters 2 or 3.

Anchors are a great way to get items and other rewards quickly. Some anchors — like “Princess Proclamation” — run out before they’re coveted Goblin Reincarnation Strategy secret level. Players can also record their progress in super dungeons like the Palace of the Dead by deliberately clearing anchors late in the game like “Church by the Sea” or “Into Darkness”.

  • Tactical Elves: Reincarnation

    Franchise: Tactical Ogre

    Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Steam

    Release time: 2022-11-11

    Developer: SquareEnix

    Publisher: Square Enix

    Genre: Strategy, RPG


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