Sonic’s New Horror Series Can Flip His Relationship with Tails

Warning: contains spoilers for Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island #1!Scrapnik Island – a new horror-tinged series – is setting up Sonic the Hedgehog and Miles ‘Tails’ Prower to switch places, with the Blue Blur becoming dependent on his mechanic ally for once. Thanks to a new injury (which strangely echoes events in the franchise’s main comic), Sonic’s main strength is gone when he needs it most.

In IDW’s main series, Sonic and a few of his comrades including Tails crash-land in a stolen aircraft when attempting to flee Dr. Eggman’s Eggperial City. Sonic breaks his leg in the crash, forcing him to rely on Tails, who carries him through the Badnik-infested city. Since Sonic can’t fight effectively, Tails is naturally put in a position to fight for him, but unfortunately for fans of the flying fox, other characters instead step up into the role.

Strangely, Sonic and Tails find themselves in the same situation in Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island #1 by writer Daniel Barnes, artist Jack Lawrence, colorist Nathalie Fourdraine and letterer Shawn Lee. The two crash-land onto the eponymous island when their plane is struck by lightning, and when Sonic wakes up, the hedgehog learns that the island’s inhabitants of reformed Badniks have made a brace for his foot because it was badly damaged in the crash. Even with the brace, Sonic still can’t rely fully on his speed, and must therefore resort to other methods when escaping the Badniks who he originally believes are attacking him.

Scrapnik Island Is a Second Chance for Tails

Of course, Tails never has to come to Sonic’s rescue because the Badniks aren’t actually trying to hurt him. But by the end of the first issue, there are other Badniks who are implied not to be as friendly. Since Sonic’s speed is compromised, this could force Tails into the limelight to protect him from these evil Badniks. For those who are also reading IDW’s main series, this recent development in Scrapnik Island undoubtedly reminds them of when the Blue Blur received a similar injury in almost the same way in issue #52. While Tails’ chance to rescue Sonic for once was taken by their other allies, Scrapnik Island sees Sonic and Tails alone, so there are more chances for Tails to take the initiative.

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Despite being an iconic hero in Sonic canon, IDW’s comics haven’t given Tails much chance to shine – something which hasn’t always been the case in the franchise’s comic adaptations. Tails’ most significant recent accomplishment was saving the day against the Deadly Six but not without Sonic’s help. Hopefully, Scrapnik Island will reverse that trend, allowing Tails to shine as a hero, with Sonic taking an overdue turn in the sidekick role.

Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island #1 is available now from IDW Publishing.

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