Skeet Ulrich Is A Storm Chaser In Supercell [EXCLUSIVE CLIP]

rant screen Proud to present the exclusive clip from Saban Films super cells, starring Skeet Ulrich and Daniel Diemer. Available in select theaters and digital platforms on March 17, super cells Directed by Herbert James Winterstern, this is his directorial debut. Winterstern also co-wrote the screenplay with Anna Elizabeth James, which tells the story of William Brody (played by Diemer), the son of a legendary storm hunter who confronts the forces of nature that killed his father.

The storm-chasing business that once belonged to Bill Brody now belongs to adventure tour operator Zane Rogers (Alec Baldwin), who has turned it into his playground. When a particularly nasty supercell strikes, William abandons his mother (Anne Heche) to follow his father’s former collaborator Roy Cameron (Ulrich) into the heart of the storm. super cells Also starring Jordan Christian Simon, Johnny Walker, Praia Lundberg and Richard Gunn.

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rant screenExclusive clip from super cells Roy explains to young William how his father Bill’s hurricane-hunting operation has become the real vehicle for Zane Rogers’ tour business, highlighting how times have changed for the Brody family . William couldn’t believe that Roy would turn away from Bill’s position to work with Zane, but as Roy astutely pointed out, he was not a partner, but just an employee. Both are stuck in a situation with no way out.

While the clip above is a quieter, more intimate moment between the characters, the trailer super cells Shows how wild the coming storm will be. When William finds himself in the eye of the tornado, he chooses to move on, chasing the storm’s bear cage with Roy. This action-adventure film promises thrills and an emotional roller coaster ride for both the characters and the audience.

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Saban Films kicks off 2023 with hugely popular Nicolas Cage Western, the old wayin January.also super cellsMarch will also see Bruce Willis . movie premieres assassinAnd inclosedan action thriller starring Daniel Stetson. super cells At 100 minutes, the film is rated PG-13 for language, certain hazards, and smoking.

super cells In select theaters March 17 on digital and on-demand.

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