Pokémon GO: Scarf Lapras Raid Guide (Best Counters & Weaknesses)

Lapras Towels will appear in level 3 attacks as part of the Water Festival event Pokémon GO. The event will start on Thursday, May 12 and end on Friday, May 20. The Songkran event marked the debut of many Pokémon, including Lapras wearing a blue striped scarf. Players should join as much as possible to get each new Pokémon. Winning a raid on Scarf Lapras gives the player a chance to capture it and also encounter the Shiny version.

As a level 3 raid boss, Scarf Lapras can be difficult to defeat by solo players, even if they have a strong team. While players can win raids on their own, they should invite other trainers to have a better chance of catching Scarf Lapras. Can invite friends to join Pokémon GO Start a raid, then use the invite button above your group of Pokémon on the right side of the screen.

Scarf Laplace’s Raid Boss CP is around 15,000, but can be increased by activating the Rain and Snow Boost. Fortunately, enhancing the weather will also increase the CP of Scarf Lapras the player captures after winning a raid. Scarf Laplace’s base CP is between 1,435 and 1,509, but can reach 1,886 with an active weather boost. After catching Pokémon with candy, Scarf Laplace’s CP can also increase.

How to hit and catch Scarf Lapras in Pokémon GO

Scarf Lapras is a Water- and Ice-type Pokémon, so it is weak against Battle, Rock, Grass, and Electric moves. Although there are many weaknesses to exploit, but players Pokémon GO The group also needs to take the right actions. If necessary, use Fast TM or Charged TM to change the action. These items can be obtained by winning raids or completing research quests. When players are ready, they can take their strongest team against Scaraf Laplace.

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Best Pokémon and moves to fight Lapras Khăn Scarf

  • Giant Frogflower: Vine Whip and Crazy Plant
  • Giant Pterosaur: Throwing Rocks and Skating
  • Super Magnetism: Thunderfang and Wild Charge
  • Mega Lopunny: Low Kick and Concentration Blast
  • Terrakion: Slam and the Holy Sword
  • Zekrom: Charge Beam and Wild Charge
  • Lucario: Strike Back and Light Global
  • Conkeldurr: Dynamic and Fighting Boxing
  • Zarud: Vine Whip and Electric Whip
  • Magenzone: Spark and the Wild Charge

After defeating Raid Boss Scarf Lapras, the player will have a chance to capture it. The number of Premier Balls a player receives depends on the boss kill speed, the amount of damage dealt, and whether the trainer participating in the training is on the same team. Raspberries or golden raspberries Pokémon GO Can be used to increase the chance of catching Scarf Lapras. Scarf Lapras is just one of the few raid bosses that can currently be defeated and may appear in Pokémon GO.

Pokémon GO Available for Android and iOS.

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