Pink shares ‘controversial’ post and denies waving Israeli flag at show

Pink speaks out in response to claims she flew an Israeli flag at a recent show about her Trust Drop Tour.

The 44-year-old singer took to social media to explain that she was actually waving a Poi flag and that it has been a part of her show since the turn of the century. Summer Carnival / Lose confidence route.

“This post will be controversial to some. At this point, breathing is controversial,” Pink began in her post.

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“I receive a lot of threats because people mistakenly believe that I am waving Israeli flags on my show. I’m not,” she continued. “I’ve been using Poi flags since the beginning of this tour. “These were used many, many years ago by the Maori people in New Zealand and because they and the Maori people are beautiful to me, we used them.”

Pink concluded: “I don’t fly flags on my show in support of anything or anyone except the rainbow flag. That will continue to be my position. IM human. I believe in peace. Equality. Love. I am deeply saddened by the state of the world. I pray for all of us.”

Did you see that Pink had to cancel some shows this week?

This post will be controversial for some. At this point, breathing is controversial. I get a lot of threats because people mistakenly believe I fly Israeli flags on my show. I am not. I’ve been using Poi flags since the beginning of this tour. These were used many,…

— P!nk (@Pink) October 16, 2023

Categories: Biography

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