MCU Theory Reveals How Loki Can Help Defeat Kang Despite His Season 2 Ending


  • Loki has become the God of Story in the Marvel Universe, protecting the multiverse while remaining alone.
  • Fan theories suggest Loki can control his transformation to help the hero fight Kang.
  • If not, Loki could direct the Avengers or reunite with Thor in a future Marvel Cinematic Universe project.

although Loki At the end of season two, the Marvel Cinematic Universe theory offered Tom Hiddleston’s character the chance to return to the series and help other heroes fight Kang the Conqueror and his mutants. Loki’s Marvel Universe timeline is one of the most interesting characters in the series.Hiddleston’s journey in the MCU began with him playing an out-and-out villain, with Loki even being the main antagonist in 2012 the Avengers, this is a turning point for the MCU. Thanks to the actor’s magnetic and charismatic performance as Loki, he slowly became a hero over the years.

The final step in Loki’s transformation is happening on Disney+. With the advent of streaming services, the Marvel Universe is able to develop projects for characters who wouldn’t otherwise star in a movie.Disney+ LokiThe Marvel Universe is the only live-action film series to get a second season, making it one of Marvel’s best franchises ever. Loki The Season 2 finale was the perfect final step in the character’s journey to becoming a hero, with Hiddleston’s character sacrificing his own happiness to save the multiverse, seemingly content with his destiny. However, there are theories from the Marvel Universe that could lead to his return.

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MCU theory claims Loki can control his transformation

Loki season 2 sees the character become the story god of the Marvel Universe

Loki In the season two finale, Hiddleston’s character became the ultimate protector of the multiverse. Loki came to the Citadel at the end of time and became the God of Story in the Marvel Universe, doomed to be forever alone while he tied the many strings of the multiverse together. While the ending appears to give the character a bittersweet ending, as Loki will protect the multiverse and return free will to all variants, but will need to be alone to do so, MCU user Subject89P13_ shared on Reddit Theories suggest a new power for Loki that could bring him back to the MCU.

According to Marvel Universe theory, Loki’s new command will decline over time, as in Loki The Season 2 finale allowed him to take control of any Loki variant throughout the multiverse and use those variants to alter events. This way, Loki will continue to serve in his new role in the Citadel at the End of Time, uniting the multiverse while also being able to help the Avengers and other MCU heroes fight the thousands of variants within the Multiverse Council. Kang and Kang the Conqueror in the two upcoming Avengers movies.

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Although the event will remain Loki It would go against the message of the MCU series to end Season 2 while also having the popular character become part of the multiverse saga’s finale and meet characters like Morbius, Sylvie, and Thor again.Two seasons Loki Showing how important it is that each variant has control over its own destiny. Given Loki and his friends’ belief that TVA’s pruning was wrong, and Loki’s connection to Sylvie, who was most affected by it, it’s hard to believe he would control other people’s lives.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness opens the door to Loki’s new powers

The Marvel Universe could draw inspiration from Doctor Strange’s multiverse exploration

If the Marvel Universe is going to follow fan theories about giving Loki his powers, past movies could serve as a blueprint for how that would work.And Hiddleston’s Loki It’s the biggest multiverse event in Marvel’s live-action series, with Benedict Cumberbatch making his second solo appearance in Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness It is the Marvel Universe’s major exploration of the multiverse saga in the realm of drama. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Various variations of characters from the MCU and non-MCU are shown, including X-Men and Fantastic Four heroes.

Among the many variations on the film are Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange and Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch. The movie brings up an interesting multiverse concept that both characters use: sleepwalking. Through the use of a dark grimoire known as the “Dark Fortress,” the two characters are able to unlock the ability to sleepwalk, which allows them to project their consciences into the bodies of mutants in other universes. This ability is similar to Loki’s possible new abilities described in MCU theories, which sets the precedent for the character to return to the MCU in this way.

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How Loki Returns to Multiverse Saga

Rocky Returns has several projects and methods

If the theory fails because LokiIf all variants are worthy of the message of free will, there are still a few ways for Hiddleston to return to being the story god of the Marvel Universe.Loki may return as heroes’ guide Avengers: Kang Dynasty, using his location in the Castle at the End of Time to determine the location of Kang the Conqueror or other variations of Kang’s Council for the Avengers. Another possible story for Loki’s return could be a reunion with Chris Hemsworth’s Thor.

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As the protector of the multiverse, Kang can hunt down Loki in the castle at the end of time to take over his powers and control the multiverse. . Due to Loki’s resourcefulness, he was able to escape the attack and join the Avengers, thus revealing the location of the Kang family.This could lead to an emotional reunion between Loki and Thor Avengers: Kang Dynasty or Avengers: Secret Wars Showing connections between variants from Disney+ Loki Hemsworth’s Thor will develop.

Rocky Season 2 Poster Loki

Release date June 11, 2021

Season 2

Streaming service Disney+

Main release date

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