Manu James Wikipedia, Director, Movies, death, movies list

Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list

Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list – In this context, we will provide a biography related to Manu James. In this article we will provide all the important information about Manu James. You will get to know Manu James in every respect. All details regarding personality will be provided in this context. you will learn all about them. Those who are looking for this kind of context have access to the best platform. So read this context to the end.

Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list

Some interesting facts about Manu James

Manu James is an Indian director. He died on 24 February 2023 at Rajagiri Hospital in Kerala, where he was being treated for pneumonia and hepatitis. Joseph died before the release of his directorial debut Nancy Rani (2023). In 2014, Joseph joined media and entertainment company, Reliance Entertainment, as Vice President. In 2015, Joseph left the media company to join MTV India, where he worked as a field director, presenter and bass guitarist. Joseph moved to Houston, Texas in 2020 from Kerala. While studying, he performed with the Rocks band.

Biology Manu James

NameJoseph Manu James
Year old31 years
Date of birthJune 11, 1991
Zodiac signGemini
place of birthKottayam, Kerala, India
HometownKottayam, Kerala, India
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Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list

Manu James fitness stats

Height5 feet 5 inches
Eye colorBlack
Hair colorBlack
Shoe SizeUnknown

Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list

Education of Manu James

SchoolGurukulam Indian Public School in Marangattupilly, Kerala
College or university?1: Mangalam Technical College, Ettumanoor2: Christ University in Bengaluru3: Houston Community College (Stafford Campus), Stafford USA4: University of Houston in Houston, Texas
academic levelUnknown

Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list

Manu James’ family

DadJames Joseph
MomCicily James
Older brotherPhilipsJames
Younger sisterMinna James
childrenBoy: Unknown Girl: Unknown

Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list

Manu James Marital status

Marital statusMarried
Name of life partnerNyna Manu James

Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list

Manu James Collection and Net Worth

car collectionUnknown
net valueUnknown

Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list

Manu James’ hobbies


Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list

Favorite Manu James

favorite actorUnknown
favorite actressUnknown
Favorite foodUnknown
favorite destinationUnknown
favorite colorUnknown
Favorite sportUnknown
Favorite singerUnknown

Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list

Manu James’ social media account

InstagramClick here
FacebookClick here
TwitterClick here
YouTubeClick here

Manu James Wikipedia, director, film, death, movie list


In this context, we have provided the biography of Manu James. This article will be of great help to those who have been searching for this type of article.

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In this article, we have provided all the necessary details regarding Manu James. So I hope this article will be of help to you and from this context all your doubts will be resolved.

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