Are Kang Daniel and Jihyo still dating? all we know

Kang Daniel is a South Korean singer-songwriter who burst onto the scene after winning produce 101 Season 2 as part of the boy band Wanna One. The group released four highly successful albums before disbanding. After a half-year hiatus from music, Daniel formed his own agency and released his chart-topping debut EP. paint me.

Park Jihyo is the leader of the K-Pop girl group Twice. Jihyo became a founding member of the group after successfully participating in the reality show, Sixteen. The band made history when their debut song became the fastest debut K-pop single to reach 100 million views on YouTube.

It came as a surprise to fans when it was announced that Daniel and Jihyo were dating.

You may be used to an entertainment scene where music stars hang out freely, but in South Korea, it’s rare for a K-Pop duo to date. Record labels include no-date clauses in the contracts they offer to music stars, making it difficult for artists to form a relationship.

After the media in South Korea announced that Daniel and Park were dating, most fans expected their agencies to refute the rumors. However, the stars’ tags confirmed the relationship.

It turned out that the dating ‘ban’ in Park’s contract had expired. The ban had run its three-year course from 2015 to 2018, and after it passed, Jihyo was released to date. Kang operated under her own label, KONNECT Entertainment, so she had no contractual restrictions on her love life.

After the news broke, Kang posted a message on his website apologizing to fans for not announcing the relationship sooner. “First of all, I am so sorry to everyone who was very shocked when they saw the sudden news this morning,” Daniel wrote. “I have received a lot from the fans and I am grateful. I will try to return more than that in the future.”

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Jihyo Claimed She Feared For Her Life After Details About Her Love Life Leaked

The Chosunilbo JNS/Imazins

Jihyo came under fire in early January 2020 after using a term that is considered demeaning to men. She has apologized for her online outburst of hers and blamed it on her struggle with fame. She pointed out false rumors that she was in one of the sex videos found on convicted rapist Jung Joon-young’s phone.

She also stated that her public romance with Kang Daniel stressed her the most. “In August my private life became known and there were also many rumors,” Park wrote. “Because of that, my anxiety and fear became so overwhelming that saying just one thing or taking action in front of people was scary and difficult.”

Since then, Park and Daniel have made an effort to keep their relationship private. As far as we know, they are still together, but their romance is much more secret than before.

Categories: Biography

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