Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga – How to Unlock Jango Fett

Jango Fett is one of over 300 unlockable characters LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga. There are two versions of Jango Fett available to unlock. The standard version of Jango Fett wears Palestinian armor, while the regular version wears normal clothes and does not wear a helmet. Both versions of Jango Fett can be unlocked by playing the game’s story levels Attack of the clones.

Since Jango Fett is a bounty hunter, he has some unique abilities LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga. Bounty hunters are the only characters that can destroy gold nuggets and they can also grab or pull objects down. Bounty hunters don’t shoot consecutively, they shoot three times in a row. These characters can unlock upgrades that allow them to throw impact grenades, spot enemies through walls, collect studs from defeated enemies, and fire a barrage of bolts.

In addition to sharing bounty hunting skills, Jango Fett is also one of the only characters with a jetpack. The player can only use the jet pack to move for short periods of time, but it is useful to overcome small gaps that cannot be crossed with a double jump. To unlock Jango Fett as a playable character, he needs to join “petranaki panic“Story quest. This is the fourth level Attack of the clones.

How to complete the Petranaki scare in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

There are several goals to accomplish “Petranaki panic“Before Jango Fett was defeated LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga. First, Padmé needs to climb the tower and break the chains that bind Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi. In addition, the player can switch to other characters and dodge attacks to break the chain. Next, Reek, Acklay and Nexu need to be defeated. Around the arena are a number of items that can be Force Thrown and creatures that can be hit with melee attacks.

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When fighting creatures, players can also use psychic tricks to make them fight each other. When Reek, Acklay, and Nexxu are defeated, Mace Windu and the other Jedi will appear. Several droids can be defeated to take out Jango Fett, and then the boss battle will begin. Jango Fett often uses his jet set to fly around the arena, so players will need to chase him and use combo attacks to deal as much damage as possible. He also fires rockets, but they are easy to avoid as long as the player doesn’t stand still.

After defeating him, both versions of Jango Fett will join LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga. However, each Jango Fett also needs to be purchased to use as a playable character. Both forms of Jango Fett cost 200,000 Rivets each, so players may not be able to purchase him right away. Unlocking multipliers and completing campaigns across the galaxy will help earn enough studs to unlock Jango Fett LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga.

LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga Compatible with Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC.

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