Kim Kardashian closes the iconic mobile game and explains her decision

Kim Kardashian enters 2024 and leaves her iconic mobile game Kim Kardashian: Hollywood in the past.

The game, which debuted a decade ago and generated millions upon its release, was removed from the Apple and Android app stores.

Kim issued a statement about the decision and explained why she was leaving that part of her story behind.

Read more about Kim Kardashian’s decision…

“I am very grateful from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has loved and played Kim Kardashian: Hollywood over the last 10 years,” Kim told the New York Post. “This trip has meant a lot to me, but I’ve realized it’s time to focus that energy on other passions.

She continued and added: “I want to thank the Glu [Mobile, the gaming company she developed the game with] team and the many people behind the scenes who have worked diligently to make it a success. “I will always be inspired by this community we built together.”

If it is already downloaded, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood It will remain online until April 8, 2024. At that time it will no longer be accessible, according to a statement Glu provided to Polygon.

The company also informed fans who had purchased a VIP subscription that they would have to cancel it manually.

Did you see Kim’s most recent family portrait with all of her kids?

Categories: Biography

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