Johnny Rebel Wikipedia, Boondocks, Songs, Age, Bio, Net Worth

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Johnny Rebel Wikipedia, Boondocks, Songs, Age, Bio, Net Worth

Johnny Rebel Wikipedia, Boondocks, Songs, Age, Bio, Net Worth – Students at the school conducted a study on the topic of Confederate monuments and held class discussions before a vote was taken at the school after a number of people voiced concerns about the mascot’s meaning to the school board earlier this month.

Johnny Rebel Wikipedia, Boondocks, Songs, Age, Bio, Net Worth

The ideal solution, according to junior Michelle Nguyen, is to rebrand the Rebel and get rid of Johnny because it would take some time to choose a new mascot and develop pride and traditions around the school emblem.

Let’s face it, the majority of students don’t care at all about the mascot, so why not change it for those who do? she said. Nguyen spoke during a gathering in the school’s gym, which features the Rebel moniker or the slogan “rebel pride” on practically every wall.

The gym wall is decorated with a 20-foot-tall, realistic painting of a guy wearing Civil War-era garb and holding a gun. However, the mascot depicted on the building’s front and present at football games is a cartoonish figure hidden behind a thick handlebar moustache and broad-brimmed hat.

Others agreed, arguing that rather than having the negative connotations some do, Johnny Rebel signifies someone who is prepared to battle for what they believe in.

In her presentation, senior Alma Valenzuela said that students do not connect their mascot to Confederate ideals. She asserted that altering the school mascot “means that you’re erasing, you know, all those families and all those graduates” from previous years.

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She added that there have been accusations that President John F. Kennedy was a womaniser, “but you’re not taking him away from that high school.” Other schools in the district have names and mascots that are subject to criticism, she said.

The school board will hear the students’ non-binding vote at a meeting currently scheduled for Nov. 6 at Savanna High School.

The board will probably hear from more people who want the mascot completely eliminated, such parent Monique Francis, whose daughter, junior Lay-Onna Clark, was instrumental in establishing a black student union at Savanna. At the gathering, Francis distributed flyers outlining the background of the Johnny Rebel character.

Francis remarked, “This represents hate.” “You want to keep a closed wound closed,” the saying goes. The mascot’s Confederate connections, according to school board trustee Al Jabbar, can be “uncomfortable” for pupils of colour. He was against restoring the statue.

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