Is Rhodey A Skrull? 9 Signs War Machine Is Secret Invasion’s Avengers Spy

warning! This article contains spoilers for Marvel’s Secret Invasion Episode 3

New Marvel secret invasion The show reveals some potential clues as to whether Colonel James “Roddy” Rhodes (Don Cheadle) is actually a Skrull in disguise. Currently, the world is suffering a massive Skrull attack in the MCU, which could lead to nuclear war and consequently the Skrulls will take over the planet. So there is a lack of trust as the Skrulls have replaced a number of leaders and key figures in an attempt to claim the Earth for themselves. This will likely include Rod, the only Avenger to appear in the new series of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date.

exist secret invasion Episode 2, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) arranges a meeting with Roddy after a massive bombing in Moscow, perpetrated by Skrulls posing as anti-Russian Americans, blaming the United States for the attack. After attending an emergency summit on behalf of the White House, Roddy agreed to meet Fury after appearing in front of several relevant national leaders (some of whom were identified as Skrulls, for example. such as the head of NATO and the Prime Minister of Great Britain). . However, some clues from Rod and Fury’s conversation are likely to reveal Rod’s own true identity as the Skrull.

9 Secret Invasion Reveals Roddy As Priscilla’s Skrull Handler

end secret invasion The third episode reveals that Nick Fury’s wife Priscilla (also known as Skrull Vala) is still working for the rebels – presumably under rape. After pulling a gun from the safe, Priscilla is instructed to meet someone to carry out her mission, presumably to kill Nick Fury. The voice on the other end of the line is almost instantly recognizable as James Rhodes (Don Cheadle), which most viewers of “Secret Invasion” notice on Twitter:

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If it’s not Roddy, the sound lookalike hasn’t appeared yet secret invasion, this is unlikely to happen. Of course, it’s possible that Roddy was actually working for Fury and the gun working for someone else, but the fact that Gravik defended himself from Extremis shows that a simple bullet does much justice. He did nothing…

8 Rowdy Called Fury “Nick” During Secret Invasion

Nick Fury Talks To Carol Danvers In 'Captain Marvel'

One big hint that went viral online was that Roddy had called out Nick Fury by name during their tense conversation. So this contradicts what Fury said in 2019 Captain Marvel No one calls him “Nick”. This could suggest that Roddy may not be who he appears to be, but rather a Skrull agent embedded in the White House. This fact is more likely in the third episode when Fury tells Skrull Bob Fairbanks nobody When the bad guys try to trap him, he calls him Nick.

However, it is worth mentioning that there are still a few characters in the Marvel movies who call Fury by his first name before he dies, such as Tony Stark and Maria Hill. secret invasion first episode. That being said, it’s hard to tell if Roddy and Fury are close enough for “Nick” to be allowed to be a part of their relationship. It’s also important to note that when Roddy says this, he’s firing Fury from his position at SABER, so Roddy’s use of Fury’s name in their heated interactive performance might be disrespectful. important (no matter how Skrull Roddy might be).

7 Slovak carpet bombing like a war machine

Roddy’s line about Slovakia is another possible clue that he is a Skrull. During the summit, Slovakian representatives appeared unimpressed with Colonel Lodz’s belief that Faury and Maria Hill were “supposedly” in Moscow when the bombing occurred. Slovakia has more than once mocked him by demanding more evidence, although the Russian government has provided photographs.

As a result, Roddy at one point covered the microphone, turned to his assistant and said: “If Slovakia rolls its eyes at me again, I’ll put on this suit and drop bombs on the carpet.”, referring to Roddy’s War Machine armor. Obviously, this statement is full of disrespect and not worthy of serious consideration. That being said, the phrase seems to be more fitting for someone like Tony Stark.

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6 Roddy already knows the skeleton of the secret invasion

Brixton Skrulls in Secret Invasion 1997

In Roddy’s conversation with Fury, we learn that Roddy has known the Skrulls for almost 15 years. Apparently, in 2010, Roddy was invited to speak at the Pentagon about shape-shifting aliens. While this may have been the perfect opportunity for the Skrulls to replace Rod, it’s worth noting that the Skrulls were still Fury’s allies at the time. Only in recent years has Skrull Gravik (Kingsley Ben Adair) instigated a movement to take over Earth by force, as Fury and Captain Marvel haven’t laid out what they’re going to do for them in years. The promise of finding a new home.

However, the fact that Roddy has long known of the Skrull’s presence on Earth may make him a target when the Gravik Revolution is set in motion. He could be replaced soon after or even in The Contingency, joining countless others in the Marvel Universe who are slowly being replaced by Skrull agents. His position as the White House special envoy with access to current US President Ritsen would make him very valuable to the Skrulls.

5 Rowdy’s New White House Jobs and Infinity War’s Conflicts

Roddy and Minister Ross in Infinity War

That said, Roddy’s place in the White House right now is questionable. After all, Rodoy regrets the decision to sign a contract with Sokovia. Captain America: Civil Warhe fixed the error Avengers: Infinity War Challenge US Secretary of State Ross and stand with his Avengers teammates despite being wanted. So it’s odd that Roddy is directly involved in the US government at such a high level (unless his latest behavior is that of a Skrull).

4 Roddy Fires Nick Fury (Helps Skrulls)

Since Fury and Roddy’s conversation ended with Roddy firing Fury as head of SABER, Fury’s lack of support would certainly make Skrull’s quest easier. Tensions were naturally heightened by the deaths of thousands of Russian civilians, not to mention Maria Hill herself. Of course, the White House wants to cut ties with Fury, and Roddy himself has confirmed that he does so voluntarily. However, it is also possible that Rhodes encouraged the dismissal, given that he was actually a Skrull working for Gravik.

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3 Roddy Wants To Summon The Avengers For A Secret Invasion

Snapshot: Black and white poster of 'Avengers: Age of Ultron';  Nick Fury's Secret Invasion

After Nick Fury spoke out about the threat and confirmed how dangerous the new Skrull threat was to the world, Roddy asked why they didn’t call their friends and gather the Avengers. However, Fury was right in stating that they shouldn’t call the victims too soon, lest the Skrulls start impersonating the Avengers and be seen as terrorists along with Fury himself. However, the Skrulls may want the Avengers to join secret invasionto see how they managed to recover DNA samples for their Super-Skrull project (Gravik’s hypothetical emergency response to superman).

Roddy and Nick Fury’s Secret Invasion Dialogue With Blue Lily Leaf

green lily leaves in secret invasion

An important visual cue also appears in Fury and Roddy’s dialogue secret invasion Episode 2. As can be seen from the table, the vase contains a green lily leaf, very similar to the Skrull’s green skin color. While this may be a coincidence, one of the biggest themes secret invasion Naturally, paranoia and mistrust arise. In a show where the main villains are shapeshifters, nothing should be taken for granted, so this lily could potentially have something to do with the fact that Roddy is actually a reformed Skrull. page in the government of President Ritson. Truth about.

Armored War Plot Could Hint at Roddy’s Skrull Identity

War machine in armored war

It’s worth noting the plot of the upcoming “Gears of War” armored war The movie supports Roddy as a Skrull secret invasion.Actor Don Cheadle confirmed secret invasion Will help build Roddy’s arc armored war War Machine will use its technology to fight to protect Iron Man’s legacy from destruction, possibly after it falls into the wrong hands. Perhaps some of Stark’s clothes and many other technologies were stolen and sold on the black market, thus escaping Roddy’s attention when he became incapacitated while posing as a Skrull in the House. White.

‘Secret Invasion’ airs new episodes every Wednesday on Disney+

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