How (& Where) to Cut Power Inside Command Cavern in Fortnite

Different challenges to complete each week Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2, which includes a new quest to power off three consoles in the Cavern of Command. The control panel is nicely concealed throughout the Command Cavern’s ventilation system. Each console is in a secret room, but once the player knows the location, the challenge is easy to complete.

The power cut in Caverns of Command is one of the many challenges that can be completed to level up quickly. Weekly challenges that reward large amounts of XP, helping players unlock new Battle Pass rewards Fortnite season 2. There are 100 rewards to unlock in the Battle Pass, including a Tsuki 2.0 skin, a Doctor Strange skin, and over 1,000 V-Bucks. Each bonus requires a certain number of Battle Stars, which the player can earn by leveling up his or her character.

Smashing the power cut panel is one of the week 10 challenges Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2. Before completing the Caverns of Command challenge, you need to complete the quest to collect the Doomsday Control Keys and connect The Imagined to the speakers. Once unlocked, the player can go to the Command Cavern and search for the Control Panel. Damaging consoles with any weapon will reduce their power.

Console position to cut commands in Fortnite

The three boards can be found and destroyed with any weapon Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2. Finding these three boards in the Command Cavern can be difficult, as each is located in a hidden room that can only be accessed by going through the vents. The easiest way to quickly cut off power to the three consoles is to start at the south entrance of the Command Cavern.

  • Console #1: From the south entrance, the player can go up the stairs first, then turn right to find the vent. Inside the ventilation system, the opening on the right will lead to the secret room with the first cell. The player can damage the console, then turn around and go down the stairs.
  • Console #2: At the south entrance, any player fortress The skin can face the stairs and go through the opening to the left instead of going up. The room on the left has a vent next to the bunk bed. Inside the vent, the room with the control panel will be located directly to the left.
  • Console #3: Head north to the command cave area with water in the middle to find the final console. Next, the player can go left towards the vault door, then right towards a structure with stairs on either side. Below the structure, there is a vent on the right. Go straight ahead, through the vent on the right, and you’ll reach the control room.
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With the power cut to all three consoles in the Command Cavern, the challenge Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 will be completed and the player will automatically receive 23,000 XP. The Command Cavern console demolition mission is an easy way to gain a lot of experience and only takes a few seconds if the player knows where to look. Completing challenges is essential to leveling up the Battle Pass and unlocking various rewards.

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