Here’s why Tom Hanks turned down the offer to star in ‘When Harry Met Sally’

It’s hard to imagine anyone other than Billy Crystal in when harry met sallybut apparently Tom Hanks was also in the running for the role.

Tom’s wife, Rita Wilson, opened up about the offer and why the now 66-year-old actor turned down the film in a new interview.

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During his recent appearance at Table for two with Bruce Bozzi On the podcast, Rita revealed that Tom rejected him because he had just gotten divorced and he was happy about that.

“People probably don’t know this, but Tom was offered when harry met sallyand he rejected it because he was going through a divorce and was very happy not to be married,” he explained.

Rita added that at the time Tom “couldn’t understand that a person who was getting divorced had anything more to say than, ‘I’m so happy.’ But I loved that script.”

If Tom had signed on for the film, it would have paired him with Meg Ryan, with whom he starred in three films.

Categories: Biography

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