Gundam Evolution: Guntank Unit Beginner’s Guide (Tips, Tricks, and Strategies)

In the First Person Hero Shooter Gundam Evolution, one of the Mobile Suits available is the RX-75 Guntank model, a twin chaingun artillery Unit capable of destroying enemies from mid-range with powerful and easy-to-learn techniques. One of the easiest Units for hero shooter beginners in Gundam Evolution, Guntank combines a unique firing system with automatic aiming that requires nothing more than visibility of enemy Mobile Suits. Players looking for a quick entry into this fast-paced 6v6 team FPS should consider Guntank as an appropriate start when learning the fundamentals of Gundam Evolution.

Every player’s pilot in Gundam Evolution has a universal stamina bar that determines how often a Unit can dash, sprint, or hover before having to recharge. Broken up into meters, Mobile Suits with one bar of stamina are traditionally tanks, while swift Units that have three bars are balanced with low health. Mobile Suits like the ASW-G-08 Barbatos act like the Spy in Team Fortress 2 hidden within Gundam Evolution utilizing this mechanic. The RX-75 Guntank falls in the middle, having two bars of stamina for moderate mobility equal to most of the seventeen Gundam players are able to select. However, Guntank does not thrive in the air, as hovering drains its stamina much faster compared to more flight-capable Units such as NRX-044 Asshimar.

Unlike many other Mobile Suits in Gundam Evolution, Guntank does not have to reload its weapons when firing. Instead, Guntank’s arm cannons function through an overheating system when players fire them continuously. Should either the primary or alternate fire be used for too long, the weapons will overheat and become inoperable for some time, preventing players from firing for a duration. A sharp similarity to the best weapons to find in Halo Infinite, another FPS title, the cooldown on Guntank’s fire adds a degree of restraint as nuance to the Units abilities.

Piloting the Guntank in Gundam Evolution

In order to pilot the RX-75 Guntank, players should make proper use of switching between its two firing modes, while using its active and passive skills to prevent bad situations from becoming much worse. Along with the other Mobile Suits in Gundam Evolution, Guntank has a rating expressing how difficult they are to pilot in comparison to the other Units in the game. On a scale of one to four stars, the more stars a Gundam has, the harder it may be to play. Perhaps the lowest degree of entry in the game, Guntank only sports one singular star. Even though Guntank may not be considered alongside with the strongest Season 1 Units in Gundam Evolution, a higher than average health of 1200 rounds out Guntank with a great set of tools to jump into large scale fights from mid-range.

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Mastering Bop Missiles Creates Damage for Any Situation

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The main way Guntank builds damage comes from the automatically aimed Bop Missiles that lock onto enemy Moblile Suits in its field of vision before distributing damage to multiple targets. Despite the cooldown system in place, Guntank players are able to easily take out low-health Units with little to no effort should they line up in their sight. However, delving further into the alternate fire shows a higher damage setting, similar to new passive abilities added to Overwatch 2. Focusing on a singular target instead of many disables foes quicker at the price of an even distribution of destruction. Players should rapidly shift between these modes depending on the situation, while keeping in mind the overheating that affects both states.

Disrupt Enemy Formations with Rush and Cannon

Gundam Evolution Units Season 1 Side Profile

Active skills in Gundam Evolution function off of a cooldown system, letting Mobile Suits use them before recharging over a set period of time. For Guntank, the Rush skill charges the Unit forward, dealing damage and deflecting attacks away from its front for a short time. Ending the charge early creates a swiping attack that knocks back enemies and deals greater damage, allowing players to break away enemy Units from another and expose them as targets for their team. Tactics involved with Rush are reminiscent of tactics and advanced tricks pros used in Overwatch, and will likely be just as useful in Gundam Evolution.

Guntank’s Cannon skill simply creates an arching projectile that forms a burst of damage on impact, doing drastic damage if hitting enemy Mobile Suits directly. Slightly slow in its movement, Cannon works well on tightly grouped teams, dealing tons of unavoidable damage that meshes well with the Bop Missiles to clean up targets afterwards. A Guntank player with good map awareness could use Cannon to deal damage in tight hallways or prevent other Units from flanking down narrow routes.

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Get Support with High-Speed Recovery and Core Fighter

Once a Mobile Suit in Gundam Evolution drops to 0 health points, they enter a state called “Disabled”, where teammates may repair their Suits before being completely destroyed. In the same vein as the best defense operators in Rainbow Six Siege, bringing back an injured ally during a chaotic defense on an objective could spell the difference between a victory or defeat. Guntank has the unique passive skill High-Speed Recovery, which allows it to repair allies faster than anyone else. Despite the cooldown afterward, reducing Guntank’s repairing ability back to normal before recharging, that initial repair option lets players swiftly get a teammate back in action, bolstering numbers for a better chance to win.

Finally, the G-Manuever represents the ultimate ability of a Mobile Suit in Gundam Evolution, Guntank’s being no exception. Once built to 100%, Guntank can launch a Core Fighter, a small drone that players control that explodes when fired, dealing huge area damage near its impact point. The Fighter does not boast any invincibility though, particularly precise enemy Units are able to shoot it down before it blows, so players should be sneaky with the Fighter, taking time while it’s active to find the right opportunity to use it. Players that take the time to understand the relationship between Guntank’s utility and easy damage output have great odds against an enemy team in Gundam Evolution when using the rights tricks and strategies.

  • Gundam Evolution

    Platform: Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, PC

    Released: 2022-12-31

    Developer: Bandai Namco Studios

    Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment

    Genre: Free-to-Play, multiplayer, FPS

    ESRB: Not Yet Rated

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