Disney’s The Rescuers: Medusa’s 10 Best Quotes

by Disney rescue team Bernard and Bianca of the Rescue Society are on the hunt for a kidnapped little girl named Penny, who has been kidnapped by mean-spirited companions Medusa and Snoopy in search of a large, priceless diamond. The brutal Medusa; Unlike Cruella Deville, she is willing to kidnap and sacrifice a little girl’s life to secure her fortune.

Snoopy is more of a follower than a partner, as Medusa often insults him and then betrays him. Medusa is not someone audiences want to associate with, and some of her lines are quite brutal, showing just how cruel and evil she really is.

“You caught Penny sending a message in a bottle! You idiot! Can’t you control a little girl!? Shut up! I’m on the next flight to Devil’s Bayou.”

Medusa combined the insults, orders, and threats in the quote above during a phone call with Snoopy. Throughout the film, she despises her accomplice, Snoop, even though he was the one who did it all, imprisoning Penny and forcing her to find the Devil’s Eye diamond Medusa was supposed to have.

Medusa couldn’t wait any longer and decided that if she wanted the diamonds, she would have to supervise Penny herself. She even dropped her phone on the stand, ending the call while emphasizing her anger at Snoop. This is also when Bianca and Bernard meet her for the first time, and it is immediately clear to everyone how scary and dangerous Medusa is.

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“The child escaped again! Nero, Brutus, children, bring him back.”

Medusa and her pet crocodile rescuer

Medusa has Snoopy and her two crocodile pets, Nero and Brutus, who do almost everything for her. Medusa is so angry when she finds out that Penny has gone missing on the riverboat, she sends her alligator friends to find her.

Penny then performs a Medusa-like humorous act by ordering her pet to chase Penny, so Medusa has apparently done this many times. Medusa wants what she wants, she doesn’t care who she has to use or what she has to do to get it.

“Why did you let her escape? Do you have an alibi this time, idiot?”

After Nero and Brutus took Penny back to the riverboat, Snoopy let Medusa know, and she returned shortly after, furiously storming the room. She blames Snoopy for letting Penny escape in the first place, even though she was there. She’s happy to blame everything on Snoopy.

Snoop defended himself, blaming Nero and Brutus for not looking at Penny, though he dared not mention that Medusa was at fault too. Their partnership is not only a bit of a mess, but also problematic. Why does Snoopy put up with Medusa?

“You’re too soft.”

medusa and the snoopy rescue team

Medusa berated Snoop for not keeping Penny in the cave long enough to find the Devil’s Eye, to which Snoop replies that Penny won’t obey his orders, prompting Medusa to say the above. Right; Snoopy is easier to deal with than Penny or anyone. Medusa is everywhere, her controlling nature and obsession with diamonds can sometimes be very obsessive for her, and if she doesn’t get what she wants, she loses it.

Medusa is very dangerous and unpredictable. She even pulled out the word “gentle” and placed her long fingernails on Snoopy’s nose in a teasing rather than threatening tone as she usually does.

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“You force them to like you, you idiot!”

medusa and the snoopy rescue team

Medusa teases Snoopy, criticizing him for “the way he treats children”. She advises him that the best way to treat the kids is to “gave their trust” and “make them like you”. When Snoop asked how this was done, she shouted at him the aforementioned quote, and her sweet tone immediately turned sour and exasperated.

The way Medusa treats her children is neither good nor healthy. She doesn’t force Penny to like her, she just uses threats and intimidation to force her to do what she wants. To emphasize her point, she even swung her stick at Snoop after the above statement. Medusa is cruel and violent. When she says these words, she really shows her true nature.

“Oh shut up!”

One of Medusa’s favorite things is telling Snoopy to “shut up”. It shows she really values ​​his opinion. To her, she’s the boss and she knows everything, even though her plan ends up getting herself and Snoop in big trouble.

Not only did they lose their diamond, their boat on the river, but their partnership was also lost due to being stabbed in the back by Medusa. She really should listen to him from time to time, because he’s a little more sensitive than she is.

“You go out there and find that big diamond, or you’ll never see that teddy bear again!”

Medusa and Penny in the Rescue Team

The excerpt above is one of Medusa’s scariest moments in a Disney movie. She rushes to Penny’s face and screams at her, she puts Penny’s teddy bear out of her reach, her fingernails look like claws and threatens her if she doesn’t do what Medusa says, and she will die. his precious teddy bear. .

Medusa has long since lost patience at this point, and she doesn’t care if she’s scaring Penny for life or even if she’s about to take Penny to an underwater grave. Medusa is cruel and lacks conscience; Sacrificing children for diamonds is like Cruella de Vil killing puppies for dog coats.

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“Snoopy! What’s wrong!?”

The interesting thing about this line is that even though Medusa insults Snoopy and abuses him, she still relies on him for everything. Medusa shouted the words above when her swamp phone didn’t activate immediately and when her gun jammed. As for the swamp car, she yelled at him.

She fiddled with the gun until she fired a shot and the bullet barely missed his forehead, instead blowing some of the hair off his head. Medusa wants everything to work right away, and if it doesn’t, her first choice is to blame her partner.

“Look at it. Full of power, serving its master.”

Medusa and Snoopy Evil Eye in The Rescuers

For Medusa, the most important thing in life is not friends, family or even love. She is interested in material things, especially diamonds. While Penny carries a lot of other treasures that she and Snoopy can sell and get a good day’s pay, she completely ignores it because it’s not what she really wants.

When she finally gets the Devil’s Eye, she’s a bit too crazy for the power; she betrayed Snoop and threatened Snoop and Penny to hunt her down with their lives. She was overconfident because she didn’t see Bianca, Bernard, Luke, Ellie May and the others come to Penny’s rescue.

“Wait? You take that diamond, or you’ll never see the sun again!”

Medusa is definitely not “Aunt Medusa” to Penny. She risked her life with no regrets by sending Penny into a black hole to find and retrieve the Devil’s Eye, and threatened Penny with the above statement, despite Penny begging her to wake up before she drowned. due to the inflow of water. cave.

The threat was quite brutal, especially for a little girl. Thankfully, Penny has Bianca and Bernard to help, both of whom are saved in time, but if Penny drowns, Medusa can kidnap another orphan to get her diamond.

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