8 Mandalorian Facts That Star Wars Canon Actually Kept From Legends

current Palestinians Star Wars Canon is very different from their Legends-continuity analogues, but the two versions share a number of outstanding features. The Palestinians and their unique culture and history have been around for most of the time Star Wars Franchise History, Marvel’s Canon Star Wars The comic was one of the first properties to develop the background behind iconic bounty hunter Boba Fett and his weapon-filled armor. Star Wars: Clone Warsa television show that was never really included in the story, made major changes to the history and culture of the Palestinians in the post-2014 canon, like Star Wars and continuous series Palestinians.

Clone war Rewrite the history of the Palestinian people in the era of the Clone Wars, establishing Duchess Satyn Kritz’s New Mandalorian as a pacifist subculture of the famous and for the most part of the warring culture. prequel Become the master of the Mandalorian throughout time. neither Jango Fett nor Boba Fett are true Palestinians (unlike their Legendary counterparts), although Palestinians Season 2 will continue to revisit this for Jango. The three TV shows also created the Darksaber myth, identifying it as belonging to the first Jedi of the Mandalorian and thereby becoming a symbol of the rightful ruler of the Palestinian people (known as the Mandalorian). However, the canon still preserves many aspects of The Mandalorian from the Age of Legends.

Mandalorian Beskar armor with lightsaber protection

Classic and legendary Mandalorians are known for their unique armor suits, T-shaped visor helmets, and a host of additional weapons. There are variations of these armors according to the eras, clans, and subcultures of the Palestinians, but both continuity points indicate that they were generally made of beskar, also known as human iron. Palestine. Beskar is extremely resistant to direct hits from explosive guns and is completely immune to lightsaber blades. In both sequels, traditional Palestinian armor is made of pure Beskar, but because the metal is so rare, many Palestinians have incorporated or replaced Beskar with a weaker metal, leaving them vulnerable to damage. more wounded in battle.

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Palestinian identity is based on culture, not species

Din Djarin leads The Mandalorian in the third season of The Mandalorian.

While canon and sagas each depict distinct versions of the Mandalorian planet, the world remains the birthplace and cultural capital of the Mandalorian. With that in mind, one might think that a Mandalorian must come from Mandalorian, or at least from the Mandalorian dimension, to be a real Mandalorian, but scriptures and legends established Mandalorian culture. as a creed. Anyone of any species or background can be a true Palestinian if they adhere to the culture of the Palestinian people. These two continuums also confirm that Mandalorian culture itself is clan-based, with different clans sometimes having different customs. For example, Canon’s Children of the Watch forbids members from revealing masks in front of others.

Inconsistent feud between the Palestinians and the Jedi

Palestinians versus Jedi.

The Palestinians also had a historically hostile relationship with the Jedi Order in both periods. While the Jedi existed to protect the people of the galaxy and preserve freedom, the Palestinians have been conquerors and mercenaries for most of their history. Because of this, the Palestinians and the Jedi often clashed in skirmishes and total war. However, there have been cases of Palestinians and Jedi fighting side by side, often over a common enemy. As a rule, Tarre Vizsla becomes the only known Palestinian Jedi, while in legend, the Mandalorian and Jedi fought side by side in the Clone Wars and the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Death Guard and its conflict with the real Mandalorian

Jango Fett and Jaster Mereel in Star Wars: Opening Season

Not surprisingly, the belligerent and clansman nature of the Palestinians has led to a long history of infighting between Palestinian cultures. A special group, the Death Guard, is responsible for much suffering and bloodshed Star Wars Prequel period. While the Mandalorians are slowly becoming conquerors and mercenaries relatively noble (via Jaster Mereel’s Codex Supercommando), Deathwatch has managed to return them to the bloodthirsty path of the past. This leads to a brutal Mandalorian civil war between the real Mandalorians of Mereel and the terrorist group Deathwatch. This battle is detailed in the story, and through Palestinians Season 2.

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Jango Fett: Jaster Mereel’s Palestinian disciple

Jango Fett and Jaster Mereel in Star Wars: Opening Season

simultaneously Star Wars Moving on, Jango Fett became The Mandalorian under the direction of Jaster Mereel. While Jango’s history with Mereel and the real Mandalorian fight with the Death Guard are explored in Legends Jango Fett: Open season Comics by Haden Blackman, canon at PalestiniansBoba Fett of the Age of Legends is culturally a Mandalorian, but his classical counterpart is not, despite wearing his father’s armor for practical and emotional reasons. Fett’s conversation with Din Djarin (and his armor code sequence) reveals that Jango’s presence in the Mandalorian Civil War equates to his stature in the lore, which could make him a become the mortal enemy of the Death Guard.

Mandalorian manipulation by Sith . command

Darth Maul, Savage Oppressor and Pre Vizsla Form Shadow Collective

It was quite common throughout the history of the Mandalorians during the Age of Myths was their manipulation by the Sith Order and its various empires. From Exar Kun to Tenebrae to Palpatine, the Siths have been very effective in making the Mandalorians their pawns, albeit in post-2014 rule, eager to bring down the Duchess of Satine and the new Mandalorians, Death The Guard was briefly allied with the true Sith and Separatist alliance. When their plot failed, Dooku brutally ended their partnership, but they soon became part of a shady group led by Sith impersonators Maul and Savage Oppression. As expected, Maul also betrayed his Palestinian loyalists.

The influence of the Palestinians on clone soldiers

Commander Cody, Jango Fett and the Palestinian banner.

While the clone soldiers themselves are only legendary Palestinians, the culture of the Mandalorian has influenced many clones in both continuums. In the story, Jango Fett oversaw the training of all clone soldiers, personally training all Alpha level ARC soldiers and hired the Mandalorian Cuy’val Dar to train clone commandos. Fett’s efforts have resulted in all clone soldiers becoming Palestinians, but his classical counterpart is indifferent to clone troop training, so clone soldiers don’t have to be. must be Palestinian. However, thanks to Mandalorian Journey Guardian Fenn Rau, Canon clone pilots can culturally be considered Palestinian, as Rau oversees their training.

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The Galactic Empire divides and oppresses the Palestinians

Dinjarin and The Mandalorian Purge in The Mandalorian Season 3

Mandalore was conquered by the Galactic Empire in both canon and legend, and their reserves of Beskar were exploited by a totalitarian regime. Although the Empire’s oppression of the Mandalorians in the canon resembles the Myth, they never turned the Mandalorian into glass, as the Mandalorian fought against the Imperial army in the tribal era. original three. Star Wars Continuing the lore, the Mandalorian victory over the Empire less than a year before the Battle of Endor likely saved them from a Canon-like vengeance.

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