Breaking Bad’s Most Bizarre Death Scene Started As A Joke

Through the five seasons, break Bad A series of memorable scenes are presented, but none quite like Tortuga’s exploding head. Legendary actor Danny Trejo has a special guest role in Vince Gilligan’s series. His tenure may have been short, but Trejo’s presence left a lasting impact on the film’s legacy when it comes to unorthodox death scenes. Speaking of unorthodox, Tortuga’s death in the series proves break BadThe creative process can be quite messy at times, as the footage stems from a single joke.

tortuga first appeared in break Bad Episode 2 is titled “Negro y Azul”. In addition to being a drug dealer for the gang, this man is also an informant for the DEA to his boss, Juan Bolsa (Javier Grajeda). Agent Hank Schrader (Dean Norris) doesn’t like Tortuga very much, but he’s got information about an upcoming deal. While Hank and other DEA agents were monitoring the site, they encountered a turtle with its head stuck to its shell. When an agent raised his head, the C4 implanted in the skull exploded. Trejo reprises his role in the flashback in Season 4, capturing moments before his death at the hands of his “cousins” (Daniel and Luis Moncada).

The scene confirming Tortuga’s death is poetic, as Tortuga’s severed head is attached to the turtle’s shell. The word “tortuga” in spanish translates directly to “turtle”, explaining this reptile’s unique usage. By uncovering Tortuga’s death, the gang sent a clear message to the DEA that they knew full well that this man was playing a trick on both sides. While Hank worried about Tortuga’s severed head, the other DEA agents took it as a joke, mocking and laughing at what their informant had left behind. Not taking it seriously, the agent who raised his head was killed by the explosion and three others were injured. Ironically, the fate of Tortuga and the character’s exploding head was a joke at first, and the screenwriters decided to take a chance. The frenetic discussion certainly paid off when looking back at the impact of Trejo’s shocking arc in season 3 and beyond.

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How Tortuga Breaks The Bad Tortoise Scene Has Become

Tortuga’s turtle scene is one of the most memorable break BadHistory. Interestingly, the show’s writers initially struggled with the fate of Trejo’s character. Based on intelligence directly from writer Gennifer Hutchison during a panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2015 (via pack), Tortuga’s arcs don’t come together any time soon. Hutchison came up with the idea of ​​the turtle, and someone in the writer’s room said, “then it will explode‘, when Tortuga’s severed head is mentioned. The writers laughed at the idea for two weeks, then stepped back and seriously considered the option.

The plan for Tortuga’s afro may be out of the realm of the left, but it effectively adds context to the character’s relationship with the gang. Ironically, the basis of the whole break Bad The series began as a joke during a conversation between series creator Vince Gilligan and his close friend. The series is still known for its great storytelling and character development, but Tortuga’s fate has proven that some of the film’s greatest moments are unexpected.

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