Black Knight Can Easily Still Appear In Blade (Even If It’s A Prequel)

Despite rumors that Marvel Studios’ tongue The film will be a prequel to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Black Knight could still easily appear. Introduced by Dane Whitman (Kit Harington) everlasting A tease to comic readers that he’s going to be a hero one day. After watching Sersi and the other Eternals get taken from Earth by the Celestials, he obtained the powerful Ebony Blade at the end of the film. Dane’s turn as a superhero was expected, but it’s surprising to see the MCU align his future with tongue Cameo by the voice of Mahershala Ali everlasting‘ ends the credit scene.

A connection made means immediate speculation that Dane Whitman will join tongue, the upcoming MCU movie could be where Kit Harington’s character finally puts on the Black Knight armor. However, there are growing concerns that this is unlikely due to the rumors surrounding the film’s setting. Unconfirmed reports say tongue Will be a prequel, set in the MCU’s past, allowing the introduction of Mahershala Ali’s Eric Brooks without connecting to the current Multiverse Saga story. This seems to eliminate any chance for Dane Whitman to appear, but the Black Knight could still show up. tongue.

Dane Whitman’s uncle could be the Black Knight in Blades

tongueA prequel setting could mean Dane Whitman’s uncle will appear in the film as the Black Knight. everlasting Notably, there are several references to Dane’s uncle and his family history. It’s a nod to the Black Knight’s cape in the comics, as Dane’s uncle is Nathan Garrett, one of many in the past to have earned the title after wielding the Ebony Blade. Dane is traditionally a Marvel hero, while his uncle’s version of the Black Knight is a villain joining Baron Zemo’s Master Evil and fighting the Avengers.

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Idea tongue Much of the MCU’s past can be explored, giving Marvel Studios an easy path to the previous version of the Black Knight with Dane Whitman’s uncle. This could be how Marvel Studios decided to help explain how Blade knew about Ebony Blade and its curse. In the past, he may have played with or with Nathan Garrett. Based on the nature of their relationship, Blade searches for Dane Whitman in everlastingIf his solo movie affirms his family history, the ending credits make more sense.

Blade’s Black Knight Could Build a Future for Dane’s Avengers

Dane Whitman Returns To The MCU As Future Black Knight Jet Harington

Dane’s uncle is a black knight tongueThe prequel also allows the MCU to delay and arrange for Harington’s character to join the Avengers. Through Nathan Garrett, audiences can gain a better understanding of the origins of the Black Knight’s cloak and the curse of the Ebon Blade, allowing Dane to skip over the origin of the story in the next MCU appearance. Superhero Squad: Kang Dynasty Use Dane Whitman as the Black Knight when he is the armor hero. His heroic efforts are also more impressive because tongueA prequel could show how Ebony Blade corrupted Dain’s uncle against his grandson’s will.

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