Arnold Schwarzenegger Responds to Past Groping Accusations in New Docuseries: ‘It Was Wrong’

Arnold Schwarzenegger is speaking.

Rolling Stone writes that in his upcoming Netflix documentary series arnoldThe 75-year-old actor reportedly addressed allegations that he groped six women.

The claims stem from a 2003 report by the Los Angeles Times, published five days before the California gubernatorial election. At the time, Arnold said the allegations were “made up” and said he “never grabbed anyone.” However, he also acknowledged that in the past he had “behaved badly at times.”

Read on to find out what he said in the new docuseries…

“My reaction at first was a little…defensive,” Arnold said in the docu-series. “Today I can look at it and say: it really doesn’t matter what time it is. Whether it’s the Muscle Beach days of 40 years ago, or today, this was wrong. It was nonsense. Forget all the excuses, it was wrong.”

Arnold eventually won the election, with Los Angeles Times Reporter Carla Hall added in the docuseries that she was “surprised” the news didn’t have a bigger impact. “I thought more people would be offended,” she recalled.

“When Schwarzenegger announced he would run for governor, the staff of the Los Angeles Times “We immediately got to work to start investigating stories that we had heard for years, but that no one had investigated in depth,” he continued. “We barely had six weeks to work on this and we started talking to women.”

arnold will debut June 7 on Netflix. Click here to see some of the other major new additions to the series.

Categories: Biography

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