All Delibird Presents Locations in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

many Pokémon Scarlet and VioletDelibird locations in the 9th generation game are scattered throughout the Paldea region. Shops are an important part of the player’s experience, as Trainers can purchase valuable items there for their Pokémon as well as their respective builds and requirements. In fact, some necessities can only be purchased at these stores.

The series has six units spread across Padia, so players will want to find Pokémon Scarlet and VioletThe placement of Delibird Gifts is not too difficult. However, there are some differences in the catalog options for stores in different Paldian cities. This means instructors are looking for Pokémon Scarlet and VioletFor example, Shell Bell may not find it unless they go to the appropriate store.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: Deli Bird displays items for sale

Before the distinction Pokémon Scarlet and VioletDelibird has branches throughout Paldea and it should be noted that all stores have a common stock. As a result, the regular merchandise and Poke Ball sections are the same in each store. Therefore, players who need to stock up on magic balls or look for EV training items (such as powerlifting weights) can choose any unit they want. Here’s the full Poke Ball inventory and general merchandise along with their respective price lists:

Popular item in all Delibird giveaways


20,000 USD



thunder stone

3,000 USD

stone leaves


ice water


sweet apple


sour apple


red nectar


yellow nectar


rose nectar


purple nectar


smoke ball


Pokémon Scarlet and Violetmellow bells

5,000 USD


3,000 USD

electric weight

10,000 USD

Power bracelet

10,000 USD

power belt

10,000 USD

motorized lens

10,000 USD

band prowess

10,000 USD

electric anklet

10,000 USD

Poke Balls in all Delibird giveaways



big ball


super ball


healing ball




shadow repeat


ball nest


luxury ball


diving ball


fast ball


twilight shadow


timer ball


Pokémon Crimson & Violet: Mesagoza Delibird Showcase & Exclusive Items

The map of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet reveals Mesagoza's first delicious bird gift.

in Mesagoza, Pokémon Scarlet and VioletThe largest starting location where the player can find the shop. In fact, Delibird has three different locations Pokémon Scarlet and Violetby Mesagoza. The first and most direct one is very close to the south entrance. Players entering the city for the first time will want to turn right and head east, following the street. To their left, there will be the first store.

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You can reach the second point by flying to the Pokémon Center west of Mesagoza and continuing west along the street. They will find Pokémon Scarlet and VioletDelibird’s second location is in Mesagoza. The shop’s third unit is south of the second, so the player can find it on the left by walking down the street from that unit. At any of the three stores, players can purchase popular items such as Pokémon Scarlet and VioletFlint, but the battle items and Rotom containers are different from the other tasty sorghum bird gifts offered in other Paldian cities. Here are the exclusive items and their respective prices at the Delibird Presents store in Mezagoza:

Mesagoza’s Battle Item

magic seeds




mysterious water


silk scarf


sharp mouth


silver powder

3,000 USD

muscle band

8,000 USD

smart glasses

8,000 USD

Boxing Gloves


expert belt

30,000 USD

concentration area

10,000 USD

Concentration belt

50,000 USD

choose a band

100,000 USD

Select specifications

100,000 USD

choose a towel

100,000 USD

Pokémon Scarlet and Violetsphere of life

50,000 USD

Ability shield

20,000 USD

transparent amulet

30,000 USD

loki helmet

50,000 USD

purple stone

50,000 USD

attack shirt

50,000 USD

fast claws

8,000 USD




10,000 USD

king stone

10,000 USD

weak policy

50,000 USD

error policy

30,000 USD

throat spray

20,000 USD

fate knot

20,000 USD

Rotom phone case for Mesagoza

the case of sprigatito

3,000 USD

the case of Fuecoco


The Quixley case


golden shell


green case


purple shell


pink case


blue case


turquoise case


olive peel


rose box


brown shell


lavender box


Pokémon Crimson & Violet: Levincia Delibird Showcase & Exclusive Item

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet map showing Levincia's delicious bird gift shop.

The next city with a Delibird Presents franchise is Levincia in the east coast area of ​​Padia. The city is home to Iono, a charismatic electric gym leader, influencer and streamer. This special Delibird gift is located at Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Located in the north of the city. Players taking a quick flight to the Levincia Pokémon Center (North) should walk along the street to the east, the store just around the corner to their right. There is also a sandwich shop next door. This Delibird gift is the only one that sells metallic coatings, so players who want the best Perrserker can craft Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Might need to do some shopping there. Here are the exclusive Rotom box and combat items for sale at the Delibird Presents store in Levincia, along with their respective prices:

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Levincia’s Battle Item

soft sand


Black glasses


black belt

3,000 USD

Ice never melts

3,000 USD

twist spoon


metal coating



20,000 USD

shell bells

20,000 USD





Wide angle lens

20,000 USD

zoom lens

10,000 USD


20,000 USD

protective cushion


heavy boots

20,000 USD


20,000 USD

Red card

30,000 USD

push button

30,000 USD

pop up pack

30,000 USD

adrenaline ball

5,000 USD

Room service

20,000 USD

iron ball

20,000 USD

toxic orb


fire ball



20,000 USD

black mud

10,000 USD

sticky spikes

10,000 USD

target ring

10,000 USD


20,000 USD

Levincia’s Rotom phone case

box of pikachu


Ibrahimovic box


ice cream box


dark green shell


red wine shells


orange peel


blue shell


navy blue case

3,000 USD

brown box cocoa


dark brown box


white shell


black shell


Swabrush Sky Case

5,000 USD

combo honey box

5,000 USD

iphone case aplin

5,000 USD

Pokémon Crimson & Violet: Cascarrafa Delibird Display Location & Exclusive Item

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's first snack shop is located in Cascalafa.

Instructors can find two of these Pokémon Scarlet and VioletDelibird Presents is located in Cascarrafa in the western part of the Paldea region. Bordering the Asado Desert, this small town is famous for its blue buildings, abundant water, and elevators that connect different parts of the city. You can get your first treat of Cascarafa’s delicious bird by going quickly to the Cascarafa Pokémon Center (west) and following the street in a northeasterly direction – this means crossing a bridge, the town square with its fountain, and another. When the player reaches the intersection, they should turn left and find the shop on the right.

To get to the second store, players can use Pokémon Scarlet and VioletQuickly head to the Cascalafa Pokémon Center (North) and head a little southwest. Unfortunately, this Pokémon Center is on the edge of town, so trainers need to head back to the city and cross the bridge to the west. On the left, they will find the last point Pokémon Scarlet and VioletDelibird referral location. These are the Exclusive Battle Items and Rotom Cases available in the Delibird Gift shop in Cascalafa, along with their respective prices:

Cascaaffa’s Battle Item



hard stone

3,000 USD

poisonous barbs

3,000 USD

spell card

3,000 USD

dragon teeth


Ordinary Gems



20,000 USD

big root

10,000 USD


30,000 USD

light clay

20,000 USD

utility box


expand the terrain





20,000 USD

white herbs

20,000 USD


10,000 USD

powerful herbs

30,000 USD

Pokémon Scarlet & Violetherb mirror

30,000 USD

absorbing light bulb

5,000 USD

portable battery

5,000 USD

Glowing moss

5,000 USD


5,000 USD

hot stone

8,000 USD

wet stone

8,000 USD

smooth stone

8,000 USD


8,000 USD

electric seed

20,000 USD

mind seed

20,000 USD


20,000 USD

grass seed

20,000 USD

Cascalafa Rotom phone case





case of fire


electric box


normal circumstances


Aircraft’s shell


error case


battle case


spiritual case


ghost case


grounding box


stone shell


ice box


cassette tape


fairy case


drug case


steel shell


dragon case


Komala diary box

5,000 USD

Flabébé flower box

5,000 USD

Magmite Magnet Case

5,000 USD

Gothita ribbon box

5,000 USD

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Most of the items on sale Pokémon Scarlet and VioletYou can find Deli Bird gifting locations all over Pardia in the wild, or obtained by defeating trainers in different regions. However, buying them at the store can be a faster and more efficient way to get the required items, whatever the end goal. Additionally, the Delibird Presents store sells important items for players looking to train, evolve, and improve their Pokémon in the EV. Pokémon Scarlet and Violetso they are probably one of the most trusted places to buy Nintendo Switch games.

Source: YouTube/Nintendo of America

  • Bright red and purple Pokemon game poster Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

    Franchise: Pokemon

    Platform: Nintendo Switch

    Published: November 18, 2022

    Developer: Game Freaks

    Publisher: Nintendo, The Pokémon Company

    Genre: Role Playing (RPG), Adventure, Action

    Multiplayer: Online Co-op, Online Multiplayer

    ESRB: E

    Summary: Pokémon returns in the sequel to the series: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Set in a fictional town near the Mediterranean Sea in Spain, players will explore Paardia to catch new and classic Pokémon. Pokémon Crimson and Violet is the first open-world game in the series, featuring new Pokémon that can transform into vehicles. Pokémon staples like gym battles are still there, but co-op exploration and Terastallize battles are also introduced.

    How long to beat: 31 hours

    Prequel: Pokémon Sword and Shield

    Mode: single player, multiplayer

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