Cult Of The Lamb: Every Resource & Their Uses, Ranked

Posted on August 11, 2022 sheep worship Acclaimed for combining roguelike world building with farming, colony management, and rich resource gathering. The plot involves a demon-possessed sheep who is tasked with extending the harvest bounty to his new settlement and delighting his Lords in expanding his worship.

The different resources in the game vary in denomination, scarcity, durability, functionality, etc., all of which help Lamb build his cult as easily and successfully as possible.


There are only five hidden shells available in the game, and players might think that the scarcity of resources equates to value. However, obtaining snail shell resources is used in-game to obtain forms of snail tracking, which is something most players either don’t need or waste time looking for. The best way to find them in Anura is to use the Fishing Rite and repeat the Crusade, where the shells will spawn on their own.

While bringing the snails back to the lamb farm to prevent certain pests and harmful insects from spoiling the harvest, the snails also tend to eat leaves in the process, making them becomes a zero-sum resource. Also, since there are only five resources, it’s not worth the investment as they take a long time to find and rarely pay off.


mutton picks up bones in sheep worship

Human and animal bones are a resource sheep worship Used in sacred rituals for the dead. Players can send a Cultist to collect bones from level 2 missionaries, or they can scour graves and dungeons for corpses. More like a form of currency than an item used for construction, bones are an almost superstitious faith-based resource.

Players can bring bones back to their temple, increase the faith of the village’s followers, boost morale, and help people solve cult problems. While trust is sometimes needed, other resources are more valuable when expanding a strong colony.

crystal shards

The Lamb collects crystal shards in Cult of the Lamb

Crystal shards are the primary resource used to craft beautiful decorations in the game, including lights, lanterns, windows, and flags. While some very rare buildings like Missionary III require up to 16 Crystal Shards to build, most players will use them to embellish the building’s elegant appearance.

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Crystal Shards, a material resource that radiates a mysterious aura, can be invaluable due to their rarity, but are largely impractical for colony expansion. It can also be used to upgrade lighthouses, which is a side effect at best.

Spider silk

Lamb meat collects spider silk in sheep worshiping

Spider Silk is mainly used for interior decoration and is a medium value resource that can be earned in the game. Delicate and durable, the silk thread drawn from a spider’s web is well suited for making lanterns, pillars, torches, and ornate sculptures, and can be obtained by destroying silkworm cocoons in a silk cradle. .

Spider silk, while beautiful and functional to add to the elegance of a colony, is not as durable as some other building resources and it can be used to construct compost bins, which can really help fertilize plants.


Lamb collects psychoactive mushrooms in Cult of the Lamb

A little enlightenment can be achieved by collecting Menticide Mushrooms in a favorite dungeon crawler, but in exchange for that, the player must risk using deadly fungicides on their farm (which also takes plenty of time to develop). Players who find hidden mushrooms in Anura should best use them to obtain the Charm from Sozo, which induces a brainwashing ritual similar to a hallucinogenic hallucination.

For example, if the player brings 20 slaying mushrooms to Sozo, they will learn a psychedelic brainwashing ritual to keep the followers of their cult happy and docile. Similar to gaining Trust by collecting bones and with the added bonus of harvesting mushrooms for their own cult, Deathmushrooms are a bit more valuable.


sheep visit their colony in sheep worship

The plank is a resource consisting of three handcrafted pieces of wood used in the game to build sturdy structures that will stand the test of time. Sold for 8 cents per board, it’s hard to underestimate the utility of this expensive resource, especially with the top priority of building and expanding your farm.

Used to build everything from mission houses, shelters, and outbuildings to healing rooms, compost bins, fertilizer cellars, and more, the only real downside to planks is their fixed size. of them. They are large, heavy, cumbersome to carry and not as flexible as individual lumber.

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wood harvest lamb in sheep worship

Speaking of wood, it’s the most popular building resource in the highly anticipated indie game of 2022. To get it, players can chop down trees, visit wood nodes in dungeons, send errands to mission base or build your own lumberyard. In addition to using wood to create planks, prisons, refineries, temples, and many more durable structures, the three-piece puzzle can be used to repair collapsed shelters and sleeping bags.

The reason Lumber is more valuable than Wood Planks is that in addition to serving as a construction resource, it can also be used as a form of in-game currency, adding intrinsic value to items as a commodity. tradables and basic building blocks.


sheep pick up stones in sheep worshiping

Fortifying each stone structure is paramount to building the most indestructible colony in this award-winning classic roguelike. In addition to wood, stone is used as a monetary resource and as a raw material for the construction of some of the most fortified structures on land. Three stones can be refined into one stone block, a more powerful colonial resource.

Whether by quarrying, visiting dungeons, building mines, or venturing out to find your first missionary, stones are incredibly easy to obtain and incredibly valuable. Unlike gold, its value does not come from its scarcity. However, the stone can also be used to create dazzling decorations as well as tents, fire pits, statues, summoning circles, etc.

tea flower

Lamb uses camellia in sheep worship

In order for the cult to be as strong as possible, Lamb needed as many healthy followers as possible. To ensure this, getting camellias and growing them on his farm is one of the smartest things he can do. Camellia has healing properties that can instantly make followers feel better.

In addition to healing sick followers and being used to craft the first two potions in the game, the Camellia is a beautiful red flower that adorns flower beds, wall pots, vases , wheelbarrows, watering cans and other decorative vases. The camellia has several functions to help keep the colony as happy and healthy as possible and is an essential resource in the game.

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Alchemy sheep in sheep worship

no natural resources sheep worship More valuable or useful than money. Gold is a tradable asset that can also be used to purchase the aforementioned raw materials and is the economic lifeblood of the popular 2022 game Farm, claiming gold for every meaningful transaction in the process. expand your colony.

Also, with the right teachings, coins can be used to buy the loyalty of cultists, ensuring a stronger colony in the long run. Coins can also be used to refine more valuable gold bars, use the rarest metals on earth to trade, build and craft expensive, durable structures. and the most beautiful on earth.

Gold bullion and gold bullion

lamb surrounded by gold in lamb worship

5 gold nuggets can be refined into 1 gold coin, and 10 gold coins can be refined into 1 gold bar, this is the most valuable and expensive resource in the game. In addition to using gold bars to build the most impregnable fortresses, sparkling treasures can be used to decorate expensive loot, cheer propagandists, buy cards tarot, etc

Gold bars can also be used to complete quests in the Midas Cave, proving once again that this finite resource is the most sought after item on Earth. As such, hoarding as many gold bars as possible in the Sheep Cult would be beneficial in expanding one’s farmland, and its regal elegance would surely draw the attention of devotees. .

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