Wordle 246: February 20, 2022 Answer

Editor’s Note: This article applies to Wordle answer #246; Wordle’s answer Feb 21 is now available.

February 20 from The answer would jeopardize the winning streak of many players. from is a word guessing game that has grown in popularity throughout early 2022 thanks to its simple gameplay, daily quizzes, and great social sharing. Since its acquisition The New York Times, from There has been a trend towards the more difficult side of the spectrum, and today is no exception.

from Played on a 5×6 grid, players are asked to guess a five-letter word within six chances. After using a random starting word, the game will provide a clue to the correct answer by marking the letter green if the word is correct, yellow if the word is correct but misplaced or colored yellow if the word is not in the word. all. Striking gray. This information will be captured by the player and used to try out different words. The game ends when the correct word is guessed or when the player runs out of chances. There is also a “hard mode” from Players can enable it in the options menu. This forces the player to use the given clues and does not allow the letters to be reused if they are not proven correct, or the letters to be rearranged if they are proven correct.

from With its social media sharing capabilities, it can be directly linked to its popularity. After winning or losing a quiz, players can copy and paste their gameplay into their favorite social networking sites. The game uses small colored emoji boxes to represent the player’s attempt at not breaking the actual word used. This, combined with the lack of direct links in the post, has attracted more and more players to search and play, from.

Wordle 20/02/2022 (#246) Tips and Answers

For players who don’t directly want today from Reply and we’ve provided some suggestions to help.

  • Tip 1: Today from the answer contains a double letter.
  • Tip 2: Penn & Teller’s Teller is an example of today’s answer.
  • Tip 3: Today from It goes without saying.
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Answers to Wordle 246 (February 20)

Answers for February 20 from That is TACIT, which means to be silent or not to speak out. to begin from We use ROAST’s word, which provides a correctly placed “T” and a misplaced “A”. Our next guess is TABLE, doing this helps to place an “A” and also shows that the “T” is a double letter, a fact we regretfully forgot in the rest of the guesses. TAFFY is the next guess, producing only more false letters, followed by TAXIS with the “I” set to true. The fifth guess is TAKIN, which gives more wrong letters. After staring at the screen for ten minutes, the sixth and final guess was so hard, we couldn’t find the right word. Despite heavy losses, from Today taught us a new word, which is win.

Editor’s Note: This guide is for the New York Times version of the game, and daily replies may change if players haven’t refreshed their browser.

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