X-Force’s Most Powerful Member Returns To Take Down The Beast

After disappearing nearly a year ago during a disastrous battle with Cerebrax, Omega-level mutant Quentin Quire will secret service #41 As “Old Man Omega”, the ultimate plan is to take down the Beast and his evil program.

Marvel Comics recently revealed, secret service #41 from writer Benjamin Percy and artist Paul Davidson will see the mutant hero formerly known as Kid Omega finally return from wherever he went. Quentin is expected to reveal what happened to him after he sacrificed himself to save Krakoa. secret service #29.

beautiful cover from a long time ago secret service Artist Joshua Cassara introduced an updated design for Quentin, now renamed Old Man Omega, a logical new codename since his new look is the shrunken and wrinkled look of youth.

Quentin Quayle returns after a year of disappearance

X-Force #29 Kid Omega Death Cerebrax

Fast forward to June 2022, Quentin finally becomes the hero he always wanted to be, forming a happy and fulfilling relationship with Stepford Cuckoos’ Phoebe Cuckoo. Trying harder than ever to prove to himself, his teammates, and his girlfriend, Quentin used his telepathic powers to destroy Cerebrax – a Cerebro machine that had become sentient and raged – while inadvertently sacrificing himself. After the battle, Sage not only failed to detect the mutant gene in Quill’s brain, but realized all His EEG records were deleted, which meant he could not be revived. Quill has not returned to Marvel Comics since then, saving glimpses of his genes being used by various villains, from the man with the peacock tattoo to the Mister Sinister. However, former (and future) host of Phoenix, Quentin Quire, is long overdue for a return.

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Here’s what Percy had to say about Quentin Quire’s long-awaited return and how he’s changed since his disappearance:

“He’s been gone for over a year now, with his beard, bald head, and stooped gait. Quentin Quayle has always put the kid ahead of the Omega Kid: he’s selfish, immature, and prone to tantrums. But he is also extremely insecure and powerless to deal with the trauma he has suffered or to make proper use of the powers he has been given,” he continued. “But Old Man Omega could be something else. He’s on a mission – a quest that spans centuries – and he’s about to recruit Force X into a potentially wild storyline battle. Strangest, Strangest Ever: ‘Ghost’ Calendar, the perfect starting point for new readers.”

In the end, Marvel revealed that Quill wasn’t actually dead but was sent to another place in time and space. Quayle’s quest spans hundreds of years, and it seems his final step is to travel back to the present to enlist the help of his X-Force teammates. Along with Sage, Omega Red, Deadpool, Domino, and new teammates Colossus and Laura Kinney, Old Man Omega has only one goal: to defeat the Evil Beast and prevent the “Beast Clone Saga” from destroying Krakoa like them. know. Percy revealed that this part will be called “Ghost Calendar” and can be compared to awesome x man, a powerful device that allows interstellar travel. Beast fired a giant laser gun at one of them, presumably destroying all life in that universe, another thing he did “for the greater good”.

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Old Man Omega is the latest addition to the classic X-Men trilogy

Old Man Logan Laura Ginny Wolverine

The X-Men comics love to bring back older versions of iconic heroes, notably introducing Old Man Logan in the main Earth-616 sequel over the years, and recently revealed revealed Laura Kinney’s old granny variant, currently in the main The X-Men. mid game team. Old Man Omega seems to be going with this familiar trend, but Quayle is even more interesting, because the whole point with young Quentin is how young, evil, and selfish he is. It will be interesting to see what the old version of him is like and what he can do with a cooler head on his shoulders. Plus, Phoebe’s reaction to her return is hilarious.

Quentin was never the strongest, bravest, or smartest mutant on the X-Force team, but he was certainly the Mutant with the most raw power and potential. Now, Quentin Quire’s return as Old Man Omega could be just what the X-Force need to finally defeat the Beast and succeed in their new era.

secret service #41 will be released at Marvel Comics on June 21.

Source: Marvel Comics

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