Why Valheim’s Honey Is So Important (& What To Use It For)

There are many resources that Valheim players will need to collect if they want to survive the harsh wilderness long enough to take on each boss battle. While wood, stone, and flint are some of the most important crafting items that players will want to keep on hand in the early game, they will also need to get ahold of as much honey as possible. Honey serves an important purpose in Valheim, as it is the main ingredient used to make different mead bases to craft restorative meads.

Players can find honey by breaking open wild beehives, or by harvesting the hives they craft and keep on their own bases. Crafting a Beehive in Valheim will cost a player x10 wood and 1 queen bee, which they can obtain when they break open hives. Once a player has a honey farm set up on their base, they don’t need to search the wild for hives unless they want to have a back-up stash of queen bees to start a secondary farm at another base location.

Valheim’s honey can be eaten raw for a small boost, restoring 20 points of health and stamina, when players snack on it. However, its use as a potion ingredient makes using it as a quick food source a waste. Players will want to hang onto these combs unless they are in a desperate situation, so they will have plenty for the mead recipes that will help them explore new areas and take on Valheim’s high level bosses. Players can hold honey in stacks of 50 and will want to keep much of it stored at their home base in case an accidental death wipes their inventory.

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Every Valheim Mead Recipe That Uses Honey

Below are the seven different mead bases in Valheim players can craft using their Cauldron. To turn mead bases into proper mead, players will need to use the Fermenter. Each mead base creates a mead with a special effect, and requires a set of potentially rare ingredients in order to be cooked.

  • Mead Base: Frost Resistance – Players will need x10 Honey, x5 Thisle, x2 Bloodbag, x1 Greydwarf Eye.
  • Mead Base: Minor Healing – Players will need x10 Honey, x5 Blueberries, x10 Raspberries, x1 Dandelion.
  • Mead Base: Medium Healing – Players will need x10 Honey, x4 Bloodbag, x10 Raspberries, x1 Dandelion.
  • Mead Base: Minor Stamina – Players will need x10 Honey, x10 Raspberries, x10 Yellow Mushrooms.
  • Mead Base: Medium Stamina – Players will need x10 Honey, x10 Cloudberries, x10 Yellow Mushrooms.
  • Mead Base: Poison Resistance – Players will need x10 Honey, x5 Thistle, x1 Neck Tail, x10 Coal.
  • Mead Base: Tasty – Players will need x10 Honey, x10 Raspberries, and x5 Blueberries.

Each mead offers players regenerative and healing effects, as well as helping to cure status issues like hypothermia and poison. Having a good number of these meads stocked away, as well and the ingredients to make them, will ensure that Valheim players are ready to take on any powerful foes or difficult terrain they come across, and keep their character healthy.

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