What is the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse?

Our universe is over billions of years old, and we’ve only explored about 4% of this vast and seemingly endless space. Our galaxy is the site of many intriguing yet unexplained cosmic events. Examples of this are solar and lunar eclipses, celestial events that have hypnotized people for thousands of years. Fortunately, there is a clear scientific explanation for why these eclipses happen.

Both occur when the sun, earth, and moon align so that one object blocks light from reaching the other. This is the only similarity between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. These are two fundamentally different phenomena.

Today we are going to learn the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. But before we start, let’s understand what they are.

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What is a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs when the Moon’s position is such that it passes directly between the Sun and the Earth. It then blocks sunlight from reaching Earth, engulfing the planet in complete darkness for a few seconds. NASA explains that when the Moon blocks light from reaching the planet, it’s called a total solar eclipse; and when it only blocks a certain part of sunlight reaching the Earth, it is called a partial eclipse.

This is a diagram explaining the eclipse phenomenon.

Source: NASA

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What is a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs when the sun, earth, and moon align in such a way that the planet blocks sunlight from reaching the moon. NASA explains that when a total lunar eclipse occurs, the entire Moon is engulfed by Earth’s deepest shadow region, known as the umbra. When the moon is in the dark, it is red. This is why lunar eclipses are often referred to as “blood moons”.

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This is a diagram explaining the lunar eclipse.


Source: Time and date

Now that we know what solar eclipse, lunar eclipse and solar eclipse are, let’s move on to the difference between them.

Difference between solar eclipse and lunar eclipse

Here are the differences between solar and lunar eclipses.


lunar eclipse


The moon comes between the sun and the earth.

The earth is located between the sun and the moon.


It happens every 1.5 years or 18 months.

It happens twice a year.


It has a short duration. It usually takes about a few minutes.

It has a longer duration. It usually takes about an hour.


This happens during the new moon phase.

This happens during the full moon phase.

It is worth mentioning that it is not safe to view the eclipse with the naked eye. Harmful rays can damage your retina. On the other hand, lunar eclipses are quite safe to watch.

The first penumbral lunar eclipse of 2023 will occur in a week. This eclipse will be visible from Asia, Europe, Africa and the Pacific Ocean.

Check here for more on the 2023 lunar eclipse date.

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Categories: Trends
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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