Welcome To Plathville: Ethan Reposts Meme Making Fun Of Kim

Welcome to placeville Fans couldn’t help but enjoy when Ethan Plath appeared over his mother – Kim Plath in a recent post. The mother and daughter have been separated since the first season of the show “TLC”. Welcome to placeville Disliked Kim, mainly because of her hypocritical views.

The mother of 9 children chooses to raise her children away from modern society. Their upbringing includes strict rules and homeschooling. Fans were surprised to learn that the kids had never been given soda, ice cream or watched TV. Because of these limitations, many older children rebel when they learn that they cannot fit in with normal society. Ethan is the most outspoken about his anger at his mother, and season four shows how he handles the breakdown in their relationship.

Most recently, Ethan brutally hunted his mother for a week through his social media accounts. In one post, Ethan shared a meme mocking Kim’s homeschooling methods. Welcome to placeville The star is relatively new to social media, but seems to be giving fans what they want. Underneath the photo of Kim kayaking, he wrote: “The internet is another story, but sometimes it’s accurate.” Essentially, the meme says that Kim’s attempt to educate her children is a huge failure.

Welcome to Placeville Fans React to Ethan meme

Welcome to placeville Viewers shared their joy on Reddit. In a Reddit post by user NaboKant, one commenter said they thought Olivia was “Go ahead and post” According to Ethan’s account. Other followers noticed how honest and accurate Ethan is by sharing what Ethan really thinks about his mother. Kim’s down-to-earth approach to her children’s upbringing really resonated with viewers, especially after Ethan confronted his mother in season four. Undoubtedly, Kim left all of her children severely socially disabled.

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than access to traditional education. Ethan and his other siblings were left on the farm and taught some trading skills. Welcome to placeville Fans believe that if Ethan’s love of cars and engines had been nurtured, he could have gone to an engineering school and possibly even studied engineering. Instead, he faces daily challenges. This shady meme may be the first of many memes geared towards King and fans are looking for it.

Source: Ethan Plath/Instagram, U/NaboKant/Reddit

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