Visual test: finger size reveals your personality

Hector Honores Molina 5/5/2023 3:45 pm

The psychological test we are going to show you right now has many discoveries for you. He eye check which you will see below will show you your personality traits just by knowing your exact finger size. You want to know more? Well, take a look at the picture we are about to leave you with and make your choice.

The illustration shows three options. Everyone has different sizes of middle, index and ring fingers. All you need to do is look at the picture and choose which one resembles your hand the most. Once you have the answer, the next thing is to know the meaning of each displayed option.

The final stage of the visual test is to read carefully what each option means, we assure you that the results you get will surprise you and you will know some of your personality traits .

Visual inspection pictures

You must choose one of the options we show you in the visual test and that way you will know the result.| Photo: jagranjosh

Visual test results

1. The little finger is longer than the index finger

You are the epitome of charisma and full of charm. You believe in yourself and like to take risks. When you decide on a task, you won’t rest until you complete it. You like to live freely and don’t go overboard when necessary. You pursue what you want with total dedication and don’t want the answer to be no.

2. The little finger is shorter than the index finger

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You are super confident and energetic. You act like a born leader and like to take control of situations. You also shine in stressful situations and have a witty, self-controlled and calm personality. You enjoy leading others and rarely lose your temper. However, you are an amateur and find dating meaningless and stressful. You’d rather be alone in your space than let other people get to know you.

3. Little finger and index finger are the same length

If your ring and index fingers are the same length, you’re in the last category. You are the textbook definition of a mediator. You are an expert in communication and you can influence anyone with your pleasant personality. People always reveal their deepest and darkest secrets to you because you are also a good listener. You always have solutions to problems and a source of comfort to others. You appreciate others and attract most people with your kind, empathetic, and simple nature.

Did you find this visual quiz interesting because you learned more about yourself and your way of life or thinking? These tests are fun and in some cases difficult to do, but they always teach you. If you want to keep testing your knowledge, we tell you that there is a long list of challenges that you can take and you can simply click on the following link with many visual tests than in Depor, that’s it. Challenge you?


Few people can say that they know each other very well. If you want to be one of them, don’t miss the opportunity we bring to you today with the visual quiz in the following video. join!

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Categories: Trends

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