Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands: Spellshot Class Leveling Guide

Few classes in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands can utilize spells to the same capacity as the Spellshot class, with the Spellshot having some of the strongest spells from early levels to end-game. Unlike Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ Graveborn class, the Spellshot is not a pure spellcaster. Instead, the Spellshot incorporates their guns into their gameplay, buffing both aspects of their playstyle. Properly managing both gunplay and spell-slinging is key to success on the Spellshot class, especially early in the leveling experience.

When it comes to Spellshots, there are a lot of traps in their skill tree that can be sub-optimal, or even harmful, for players to take in the early game. Firstly, Critical Hit Chance does not provide sufficient advantages in the game’s early stages for players to benefit from it. Of all the stats players can choose to invest in during character creation in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, Dexterity does not provide enough to justify taking points into it during the starting levels of the game. Even if players choose the increased Dexterity background, invest every Hero Point into Dexterity, and max ‘Spell Sniper,’ they may still not even break 15%  total Critical Hit Chance on early-game spells. This is because many stats in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands are multiplicative, not additive. This all said, ‘Village Idiot’ is the strongest end-game background for most Spellshot builds circulating around the community, so players should look to respec into a Critical Hit-based playstyle later in their playthrough.

Unlike the Graveborn, Spellshots are specifically designed around incorporating their guns and spells into a balanced combination of the two. The Fatemaker is able to cast a spell in their left hand while hip-firing a weapon in their right hand. This incentivizes players to find SMGs during their leveling process. When players unlock their character feat in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, Spellshots will gain increased Spell damage whenever they cast a spell or reload their weapon. The active skill ‘Polymorph’ also incentivizes weapons with a high Fire Rate. Altogether, players will want to find a high Fire Rate weapon that has a large enough magazine to enable players to cast while shooting while reloading in-between spell casts.

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Best Leveling Build for the Spellshot Class in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Spellshots are excellent support players in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, able to neutralize dangerous non-boss enemies through ‘Polymorph.’ Without the assistance of other players, Spellshots can find themselves highly fragile when compared to other classes. Solo players will want to invest their early Hero Points into Wonderlands’ Constitution. In contrast, players in a group have more variety in what they wish to prioritize in early-game. During the early levels, players should focus on maxing ‘Magic Bullets’ by putting the last two points of the tier into ‘Prestidigitation.’ Players can then spend the next ten skill points maxing out both ‘Font of Mana’ and ‘Just Warming Up.’ Players will only need to pick up ‘Mage Armor’ if they choose to invest in ‘Glass Cannon,’ which grants players a +30% Spell Damage increase at a significant cost to the player’s survivability. Players that find their character feeling fragile upon hitting level 12 should avoid grabbing ‘Glass Cannon.’

Especially for players new to Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, it is important that players try out every kind of spell they find during their leveling process. There is a wide variance between all of the spells available in the game. Due to the importance of spells in the Spellshot playstyle, players should always be experimenting with new spells dropped during their adventure. Spells with long cooldowns are perfect for users of ‘Polymorph’ who can then use multiple casts of that spell on unsuspecting enemies. With powerful spells and guns at the ready, a well-prepared Spellshot will have the Dragon Lord’s undead rattling in fear in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.

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Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, and PC via the Epic Games Store.

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