The Vampire Diaries: 10 Best Lexi Branson Quotes

Although she passed away in the first season, Lexi Branson is still an important and powerful character Diary of a vampire. Viewers learn more about her as the series goes on, with many flashbacks offering insight into the dynamics between Stefan and his best friend.

Lexi always has her words of wisdom and a mature outlook on life that allows her to offer the best advice on the show. There’s no shortage of memorable Lexi Branson quotes, but there are some in particular that have a profound impact on both the character and the audience.

Lexi contacts Damon

“No matter what, he’s your brother and you care about him. Right now, you need help and he cares about you.”

Lexi is not a huge fan of Damon, but she understands how much he means to Stefan. She has the ability to fix cheating vampires, and at Stefan’s request, she finds Damon in New York.

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Lexi proves what a great friend she is by offering her services to people who regularly turn them down. She gets nothing for helping Stefan’s brother, but Lexi cares deeply for the Salvatores to mend their relationship. Even after Damon killed her, she did everything for their family.

Lexi supports Stefan

“I feel majestic.”

Stefan and Lexi play snooker in The Vampire Diaries.

The “I felt great” line is one of the most memorable lines in the entire show. It was originally said in season 1, episode 8, “162 candles”, when Stefan overheard Lexi and Elena’s conversation, but returned a few years later.

in a full circle moment Diary of a vampire, Stefan says goodbye to Elena before reuniting with Lexi and finding peace. He read it to his best friend in “Never Say Never” featuring The Fray. The line is so powerful that it was even the title of the last installment of the series.

Lexi believes in peace

“Whatever peace is, it’s there. I think once we make time for all the bad things we’ve done, it’s about letting go and moving on.”

Lexie from The Vampire Diaries smiled.

Stefan often compares Caroline to Lexi, and it’s easy to see why. They are both optimists who believe that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Most of the characters have trouble believing that peace exists or that they even achieved it by accident.

However, despite being stuck on the other side for several seasons, Lexi never stopped believing in life after death. With wise words and a gentle presence, Lexi embodies peace by bringing peace to others. No one deserves to be found happier than her.

Lexi Shades Damon

“What a surprise? I think I misjudged my brother and went back to high school.”

Lexi in The Vampire Diaries doesn't seem so impressed

Damon gives off many shady burns Diary of a vampire, it’s especially gratifying when someone hits him right back. While viewers assumed Lexi’s animosity towards Damon had something to do with his estranged relationship with Stefan, season four revealed it was a personal matter.

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She tried to help Damon as a favor to her best friend, but he toyed with her feelings and left Lexi stranded on a roofless roof. Every insult she threw at him was witty and well-deserved.

Lexi puts Stefan under her protection

“Once you can hurt, you can love.”

Stefan and Lexi in a flashback from The Vampire Diaries.

Lexi has a lesson for Stefan that every vampire on the show needs to hear. They smother their emotions to escape the pain, only to miss out on all that life has to offer. Transforming human nature is not a panacea, and sadness cannot be eliminated unless joy is eliminated.

By helping Stefan realize that emotions are a gift, Lexi restores the purpose the vampire stole from him. He gets to live and love to the fullest instead of feeling numb for the rest of his life.

Lexi tells Stefan that he will find love again

“Contrary to popular belief, there is actually more than one – especially with vampires. The only way to find another is to let go and move on.”

Lexi in Flashback Stefan and Lexi in Flashback in The Vampire Diaries.

Stefan had never loved anyone the way he loved Elena, and it was hard to imagine he could ever forget their relationship. Thankfully, Lexi was able to visit the Land of the Living and tell Stefan exactly what he needed to hear. This may be aimed at her best friend, but Lexi’s quote holds true for all vampires.

Most romances are Diary of a vampire Be fierce and seem like they are invincible. However, even the most stable relationships end. The characters always manage to find love again, proving that there are many “ones”.

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Lexi talking to Elena

“When it’s true, you can’t walk away.”

Lexi in a flashback from The Vampire Diaries.

Lexi is Stefan and Elena at Diary of a vampireShe tells Elena exactly what she needs to hear and convinces her to stop fighting with her feelings for Stefan. The distance between the two of them obviously couldn’t be far, so there was no point in delaying the inevitable.

Because Le Xi has personally experienced it, the audience understands more about her through this dialogue. In season 1, episode 11, “Descendants”, Elena was confronted by Lacey’s partner, a situation that only made her death even more heartbreaking.

Lexi saves Stefan

“Looks like I saved you from metaphorical darkness as well as factual darkness. I think you owe me a beer.”

Lexi in a flashback from The Vampire Diaries.

Every time Lexi comes back as a ghost, it’s heroic. She was always there when Stefan needed her most, and her last spooky appearance was no exception. Lexi has spent decades making sure Stefan is on the right track and doesn’t let him succumb to his bloodlust.

When her best friend finally reaches the other side, she saves him from being swept away by the darkness. Lexi’s comment is not only clever but also highlights how lucky Stefan is to have her.

Lexi sacrifices herself for Damon

“What kind of friend would I be if you died before Stefan got his brother back?”

Lexie in The Vampire Diaries Part 5

The fact that he killed Lexie was one of the reasons why Damon didn’t deserve redemption Diary of a vampire. The more fans know about Stefan’s best friend, the worse Damon’s actions towards her become. However, despite being killed by him in cold blood, Lexi sacrificed herself to bring Damon back to life.

Lexi has always put Stefan first and her unconditional love for him has forged one of the best friendships on the show. Lexi not only traded her life for a murderer, but she also understood that Stefan needed her brother more than her best friend.

Lexi reunites with Stefan

“Oh, it’s beautiful.”

Stefan and Lexi embrace in The Vampire Diaries

This sentence may not seem important at first, but these four words are the last line of the Lexi string. It informs the audience of her existence in the afterlife and re-establishes her comfortable relationship with Stefan.

It was a moment that meant a lot to both characters, especially considering the “death pact” they made in season 5, episode 22, “Home”. Stefan and Lexi are determined to find peace together, and while Lexi eventually finds peace, they are finally reunited forever.

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