The truth about the angel theory

Most people view a disability as something that gets in the way of personal progress. However, some people show us that a disability can become a superpower. Angel Theory has refused to let her disability get her down. Instead, she’s using her perceived handicap to make a name for herself in the acting industry.

Angel is famous for her role as Kelly in The Walking Dead. Read on to find out more about this phenomenal woman.

A car accident caused his hearing impairment.

Ángel developed his hearing impairment after being in a car accident. He suffered injuries and nerve damage that caused him to lose hearing in his right ear. Ángel later noticed that he was also losing hearing in his left ear. She revealed in an email sent to knowledgeable person; “I now wear hearing aids in both ears, but my audiologist has informed me that hearing aids may not be enough for me over time.”

Theory initially feared that the hearing loss would affect her dancing and choreography.

When Ángel began to lose his hearing, he feared that it would affect his dancing and choreography. She had not started acting at that time.

Theory prided himself on never missing a beat. Therefore, her hearing impairment presented a challenge. The ever-innovative Angel adapted through the use of sight reading. She said Washington Post:

“So I first feel the music while listening to it on my headphones and then, to make sure I catch as many notes as possible, I try to print it out and read the music as well. That way, no matter what, I’m always up to date. I feel like, if anything, it’s made me pay a lot more attention to the music and get into it and feel it more.”

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Angel also used technology that helped her feel the vibrations of the beat. However, she told him Washington Post You don’t want to become dependent on those accessories. Angel explained:

“It’s mostly me trying to focus on understanding music, just like I know my ABCs. That’s the foundation of how I can become the music instead of trying to dance to it.”

His story was incorporated into his character in The Walking Dead

angel theory

The Walking Dead Showrunner Angela Kang knew that Angel was losing hearing in his left ear. She decided to ask Angel if she was okay with telling his story through his character. angela told him knowledgeable person;

“Angel Theory has been going through its own journey. He could barely hear out of one ear, but then he very quickly progressively lost hearing in the other ear. We had to deal with the fact that, at a certain point, the actress herself might not be able to hear. Rather than fight it, we thought we would make it part of history.”

Ángel told the directors that he was okay with telling his story. Theory worked with the directors and writers to make sure they incorporated as much about her as possible. Theory appreciates the fact that Angela and the writers took the time to contact her and ask about her condition. Angel wrote in an email sent to knowledgeable person;

“Angela Kang and the writers are setting an example for others who work with deaf actors in this industry. They could have written what they found on Google, but instead they asked me and took the time to understand the good, the bad, and everything in between.”

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Ángel’s mother inspired one of the most emotional scenes of The Walking Dead

angel mother theory

Ángel’s mom helped her a lot after Ángel began to lose his hearing. Thanks to his mother, Ángel began to pay close attention to facial expressions and body language. She also gave Angel words of encouragement whenever Angel was feeling down. One of the most powerful things his mother told her about his hearing loss was; “It’s not a disability, it’s your fucking superpower.”

This line was incorporated into the season 10 premiere. The scene played out when Kelly’s sister Connie (Lauren Ridloff) confronted her about her hearing loss. Kelly admitted that she was losing hearing in her left ear.

Kelly was worried that she would no longer be able to play for Connie because she was losing her hearing. Connie comforted her and told her that they were a team after all. She then told him that she was developing a superpower and not a disability. It was one of the most emotional and empowering scenes in the entire series.

Angel revealed in his email; “I remember how depressed, devastated and angry he was with himself after the hearing loss. My mom told me, ‘It’s not a disability, it’s your fucking superpower.’ I remember sharing that with Ms. Kang and it was refreshing to see Connie say those same words to Kelly… Those words changed everything for me.”

Angel and Lauren Ridloff are teaching their co-stars how to sign

Angel’s co-stars have been very supportive of her and Lauren. They are making an effort to learn sign language so they can communicate better. Angel and Lauren have taken it upon themselves to teach their co-stars how to sign. Angel revealed in his email;

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“For the most part, I send videos of myself signing a few cast members like Cooper, Cassady, and Nadine. When Lauren and I are on set, we teach phrases or words to those who are willing to learn, and that’s usually everyone.”

He is currently dating his long-time girlfriend, Dika Caray.

Dika Caray and the angel theory

Angel admitted that he likes girls when some of his fans questioned his sexuality. She posted a tweet on November 27, 2018 saying; “Yeah, I’m a girl who likes girls… There’s nothing complicated about it… Some of you act like you’ve never heard the word ‘GAY’ before. I am proud of who I am. As long as God, my family, friends, and fans love me for who I am, I won’t stress over their negative attitude.”

Ángel is currently in a relationship with Dika Caray. Dika and Ángel have been together since 2015.

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