The truth about Anna O’Brien (Glitterandlazers)

Anna O’Brien (Glitterandlazers) is an American social media star who founded the popular fashion blog. Glitter and Lazers.

O’Brien is an icon of the plus size community and has spearheaded campaigns to promote community inclusion in avenues such as modeling. The fashion icon also uses social media to promote stylish and comfortable clothing to the community.

This article will look at Anna’s career, her weight loss journey, and her battle with trolls.

Anna is happy and earns money as a social media influencer, but her ultimate goal in life is to become an inventor and entrepreneur.

Anna started her social media journey while working for a software company. She loved her work, had good relationships with her co-workers, and her work helped quench her addiction to travel. At first, Anna did not perceive social media as something she could do full time. However, as her following and influence grew, she realized that she could not work two jobs.

Running social media full-time meant giving up the travel privileges his software job gave him. It also meant that he had to move out of New York and back to Texas due to the high cost of living in the Big Apple. She revealed in a video posted on July 18, 2020:

“They summoned me to New York. I will be very real about it. I moved to Austin because it still has a bit of big city culture, great food scene, great bars, good concerts, great music, but it’s so much cheaper… It may not make sense to me forever. I could find myself back in New York. I miss him a lot.”

Anna admits that she misses her old job; she loved it and she was good at it. But she also loves to wake up every day to create content for her followers. O’Brien especially enjoys creating content on TikTok because the platform gives her more creative freedom. “With TikTok, he’s transformative,” Anna said. Magazine Interview. “It’s about taking something that already exists and reinventing it with your unique voice.”

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However, the ultimate goal of Anna’s career lies outside of social media. She revealed in her July 18 video of her that her goal is to become an inventor and entrepreneur. “I feel like I’m going to have a great idea at some point in the future, and it’s actually going to be, that’s where I’ll end my journey,” she said. “Being here just as an influencer is not my ultimate goal. It is not.

Anna initially ignored her lipedema diagnosis, but the pain in her body inspired her to begin her weight loss journey.

Anna O'Brien

O’Brien has always been proud of her body. She has never felt the need to conform to traditional standards of beauty and body. Her opinion did not change even after being told by a host of experts that she had lipedema, a condition that causes symmetrical enlargement of the legs due to fat deposits under the skin.

She was upset by the diagnosis, and instead of adapting her body and lifestyle to manage the condition, she did the opposite and overdid it. At first, she didn’t affect her body, but after a while, Anna’s body began to rebel. She began to experience pain in her joints and back, and she did not like to see varicose veins.

After extensive research, she decided to try ketogenic diets. Unfortunately, the diet did not suit her body. “One of the worst experiences of my life was the couple of months I did Keto,” she stated in a video posted on July 29, 2020. The failure affected Anna emotionally because she felt that she had lost control of her body. her. hers. “I just remember feeling so defeated.”

Luckily, he kept researching, and one of the diets he tried worked. He combined the diet with an exercise regimen and, this time, his body delivered. At first, Anna measured her weight to keep track of her progress, but that made her lose focus on what he wanted to achieve. She said:

“It’s so easy with our culture to get caught up with the number on the scale. I didn’t want to think that way on this trip. I just wanted to think, ‘Is my health and fitness improving? Is my pain going down? And do I have fewer symptoms than I normally do? So I stopped weighing myself regularly.”

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Anna loves being outdoors more, feels more energetic, and has formed stronger bonds with her friends. Aside from one time where she nearly died of dehydration while walking, everything else has been great. She gleefully ended the video of her saying:

“So, more than anything, know that I’m happy, I’m healthier, because I think max health is an unrealistic standard that we set ourselves, and I’m doing it 100% for myself.”

Anna claims that it has become more difficult to handle the abuse now that she is trying to lose weight.

Anna O'Brien

O’Brien is the definition of a confident woman. She’s been constantly trolled throughout her social media career, but she hasn’t let it faze her. Anna’s self-confidence and confidence were on full display when she did a bikini shoot in the middle of Times Square. she wrote in Cosmopolitan:

“In reality, the world only sees positive images that are perfect and somewhat vanilla, typically those of women with smaller, perfectly proportioned curves. I didn’t need another archival image of an hourglass figure, in imperceptible space, wearing one piece. I wanted to make a statement and I wanted to be seen: I am more than my body and I deserve respect and human decency.”

The experience in New York was different from what I had lived before. For the first time, men fetishized her body, effectively drowning out the few who wanted to troll. It was a response to her body that she had rarely experienced before, but that she hated nonetheless. She began to wonder if the session was worth it, but as she drew to a close, a little girl smiled at her and whispered, “You’re pretty.” “In that moment I realized that it had all been worth it,” she wrote. “They had seen me.”

Anna has shown that she is resistant to negativity, but the hate is beginning to get to her now that she has begun her weight loss journey. She explained in a video posted on August 14, 2020:

“It’s funny because they have nothing to do with my self-esteem, but they are there. Because I’m thinking a lot about the food, because I’m thinking a lot about the activity level, when they come in and comment, it’s hard. It’s hard for me to stay focused, it’s hard for me to keep going, and it’s hard for me not to question myself.”

However, she won’t back down on her journey because of what people say about her. Anna will not use trolling as an excuse to stop making progress.

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Anna revealed that she used food to cope with the effects of her traumatic childhood

Anna O'Brien

In early January 2022, Anna opened up about her childhood trauma. She said that nothing she experiences now could compare to what she endured as a child.

However, certain events trigger the recurrence of past problems. O’Brien told fans of her that she grew up in an abusive home and, at times, she blamed herself for the suffering she endured. “I have held onto that guilt my entire life and it has overshadowed every decision I have made in my life,” she said.

Anna convinced herself that she was not worthy of love. Consequently, she accepted the disrespect from her friends because she felt that she deserved it.

The feelings of inadequacy returned during the Austin storms of 2021.”[I felt] like I didn’t have anyone in Austin who cared enough about me to make sure I was safe and come find out,” she said. It made her realize that she had never really gotten over her childhood trauma. She continued:

“I love my life and I have always loved my life, but I love it in a way I didn’t even know I could. I realize that there are more things in my life that need to change; that there are still pieces of my heart that are broken and the only way I’m going to fix them is to make some changes in my life.”

Anna said stating her intentions on camera added a layer of responsibility she couldn’t find anywhere else. O’Brien noted that she kept quiet about her past because she feared being misunderstood.

Previously, O’Brien dealt with a recurrence of his childhood pain using food. She explained:

“I made bad decisions. It’s not that eating is a bad choice, but I made decisions that took away my joy and I believe that when I say bad choice. That’s what I really mean: I made decisions that took away my own joy. I put food over things that made me feel good because food protected me.”

Anna expressed her intention to post her progress online, whether negative or positive: “I’m going to have to fight through this and it’s going to suck and I’m going to screw it up and that’s exactly why people need to see it.”

Categories: Biography

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