Anton Lazzaro Wikipedia, Wealth, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Girlfriend, Age

Anton Lazzaro Wikipedia, Wealth, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Girlfriend, Age

Anton Lazzaro Wikipedia, Wealth, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Girlfriend, Age – Republican American strategist Anton Lazzaro previously worked in Minnesota as a congressional campaign manager. Anton is a regular guest on Fox News. He is the founder and director of Big Tent Republic PAC.

Anton Lazzaro Wikipedia, Wealth, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Girlfriend, Age

Biography of Anton Lazzaro

NameAnton Lazzaro
Year oldUnknown
Date of birthUnknown
Zodiac signUnknown
place of birthLos Angeles
HometownLos Angeles

Anton Lazzaro Wikipedia, Wealth, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Girlfriend, Age

Anton Lazzaro Physical Statistics

Eye colorGrey
Hair colorBrown
Shoe SizeUnknown

Anton Lazzaro Wikipedia, Wealth, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Girlfriend, Age

Anton Lazzaro Education level

College or university?Brigham Young University
academic levelGraduated

Anton Lazzaro Wikipedia, Wealth, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Girlfriend, Age

Anton Lazzaro .’s family

DadMr. Lazzaro
MomMrs. Lazzaro
childrenBoy: Unknown Girl: Unknown

Anton Lazzaro Wikipedia, Wealth, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Girlfriend, Age

Anton Lazzaro’s marital status

Marital statusUnknown
Name of life partnerUnknown
Wedding dayUnknown

Anton Lazzaro Wikipedia, Wealth, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Girlfriend, Age

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Anton Lazzaro Net Worth and Net Worth

net value1 million dollars

Anton Lazzaro Wikipedia, Wealth, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Girlfriend, Age

Anton Lazzaro’s account on social networks

InstagramClick here
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Anton Lazzaro Wikipedia, Wealth, Net Worth, Wife, Wiki, Girlfriend, Age

News Anton Lazzaro

On Friday, a federal grand jury found Anton “Tony” Lazzaro, a former fundraiser and top political agent for the Republican Party of Minnesota, guilty of trafficking five women between the ages of 15 and 15. 16. years old standing in his defense, the jury began deliberation on Friday afternoon. Lazzaro insists he doesn’t pay for sex or recruit young people, even after he admits that he has sex with all the girls. After only about two hours of deliberation, a jury of six men and six women found guilty.

The minimum mandatory sentence for Lazzaro is 10 years. Minnesota U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger later said prosecutors would seek a “severe sentence” but did not provide further details. Authorities said Lazzaro met his accomplice Gisela Castro Medina on the dating site SeekingArrangement, which connects mostly wealthy men with younger partners. They allege he then paid her to find more sexual partners for him, including five alleged victims who testified against him. Lazzaro claimed the site was no different from other dating sites and denied he had a contract with Castro Medina, then 18, to find women for him.

According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Melinda Williams, Lazzaro had “all the luxuries,” but he wanted more and devised a scheme to procure sex from underage girls. She called Lazzaro a “predator” and reminded the jury that sexual consent is not a valid defense against human trafficking charges under federal law. Daniel Gerdts, a defense attorney, argues that most victims of human trafficking make no money. He added that Lazzaro had failed to control alleged victims, typical of human trafficking cases, and gave money and gifts to people he had never had sex with.

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But Judge Patrick Schiltz made it clear in his instructions to the jury that Lazzaro should not have the right over accused victims to force them to engage in sex trafficking. Lazzaro admitted during the trial that he had sex with a 16-year-old girl that Castro Medina brought to his apartment in the city. It was a young man whom the prosecution referred to as Victim A in court documents. The woman, now 19, testified against Lazzaro on Monday. Lazzaro testified that although he gave her money to buy a phone, he was increasingly worried about her supporting his drug use. He denied that he paid the teenager for sexual favors.

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