The Simpsons Addressed The Homer Age Plot Hole (& Still Didn’t Fix It)

Warning: Content spoilers for Season 34, Episode 16 of The Simpsons.

in spite of The Simpsons Acknowledging that Homer’s changing age is an ongoing plot hole in the series, season 34 hasn’t come any closer to addressing it. The Simpsons Not a real series. However, even the silliest cartoon comedy requires a certain degree of inner logic. It’s hard for a story to claim its place when it’s not clear whether the characters in it are immortal, how old they are, what part of the world they live in, or if they’ll ever age. Are not. like this, The Simpsons Sometimes asking to solve the mysteries surrounding its central character.

recently, The Simpsons Season 34 advises Marge not to go out to work because Bart is a difficult child to raise. It’s a departure from what’s been portrayed in previous episodes, but it does provide an answer to Maggie’s decision to continue being a housewife. Similar, The Simpsons Season 34, episode 16, “Hostile Kirk Place,” admits it’s impossible to track the Simpson family members’ ages. However, The Simpsons Rather than go on to explain or justify this plot hole, the outing redresses it with a quick super-joke and moves on.

The Simpsons season 34 admits Homer’s age is meaningless

In an early scene of “Hostile Kirk Place”, Homer is watching late-night TV and mentions that 1986 is “his”.2…or thirty?” this The Simpsons The meta joke draws attention to the fact that depending on the episode, the main character’s time of birth varies widely. For example, in season 4, episode 16, “Duffless”, Homer’s driver’s license glimpse shows that he was born in 1956. However, in Season 19, Episode 11, “The 90s Show”, Homer and Marge are depicted as young adults of the 1990s rather than adults of the late 70s.

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In “Hostile Kirk Place,” Homer acknowledges both possibilities. He claims that he was 2 or 30 years old in 1986, which is true by the standards of “90s Show” or “Duffless”, respectively. The Simpsons As if to reinforce the old choice, season 33 portrays Maggie and Homer of 1999 as teenagers. However, even though The Simpsons Season 34 hints at the future of some of the main characters, and the show has yet to anchor its heroes to any specific time period. This can be frustrating for longtime viewers, but the decision was made for a reason.

Why The Simpsons Can’t Fix This Infamous Canon Plot Vulnerability

homer from the simpsons

fan The Simpsons The inconsistency has fueled online debate for more than a decade. However, if Marge and Homer are the same age, then Bart and Lisa’s ages also need to be clarified, and the fact that both are over 40 is inevitable. The Simpsons Started broadcasting in 1989. Lisa and Bart were only 8 and 10 years old at that time. Therefore, Bart should be 44 years old and Lisa should be 42 years old. While this would bring the show back to Bart’s original focus (as he might already be a married father by then), it’s not what most viewers want. like this, The Simpsons This plot hole can never be fixed.

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