The Flash Finally Makes Crisis On Infinite Earths Matter Again

Warning: Spoiler for The Flash Season 9, Episode 5

speed The final battle against the Red Death is a reminder of the aftermath of the Arrowverse’s endless Earth Crisis events. While this game-changing crossover led to the rebirth of the multiverse, Crisis’ long-term impact didn’t live up to the expectations set forth in the comics. Immediately after Crisis on Infinite Earths, its influence on the Arrowverse diminished significantly.

The end of the crisis heralded a number of changes, many of which were unsuccessful or did not reach their full potential. For example, Crisis placed Supergirl and Superman on the same Earth as The Flash, just to keep Clark and Lois’ performance isolated from the rest of the Arrowverse. Also, the show never followed up with a crossover Justice League setup. For speed In particular, it followed the Arrowverse’s post-Crisis rules for a while by removing the concept of an alternate universe, but after the arrival of the Red Death, repeating Earth seemed appropriate again.

The Flash’s Gorilla Grodd Twist makes the crisis worse

The importance of the crisis has faded recently, but speed Season 9 fixed this, using it as the cause for all the trouble the Red Death had caused Barry. speed Season 9 episode 5 titled “The Mask of the Red Death, Season 2” confirms that the crisis has left the residents of Gorilla City unconscious. Apparently, this wasn’t discovered earlier, as Barry never checked on Grodd after he teamed up after the Crisis in the Season 6 episode “Grold Add Me”. Since they remained sentient while fighting Solovar, this development seemed to happen at a gradual pace, which explains why it was not a direct consequence of the Crisis.

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Unbeknownst to Barry in season 6, the crisis has clearly had a detrimental effect on one of the most important characters in this corner of the Arrowverse. The detailed explanation of how the Arrowverse’s multiverse reincarnation has stripped the gorillas of cognitive abilities, but how Crisis has upended Grodd’s life, is representative of the effects one would expect. waiting after a catastrophic event like Crisis. It makes sense that people are still affected by it in different ways. Grodd stands out as the perfect example of an Arrowverse character still struggling with a crisis.

There’s at least one more crisis callback for The Flash Season 9

Oliver Queen revealed in Arrow with Up Arrow

the rest of the plan speed Season 9 means that even if Grodd’s storyline doesn’t continue for the rest of the season, the Arrowverse isn’t done exploring the aftermath of Crisis on endless Earth. The CW has confirmed Stephen Amell’s Oliver Queen will return for an episode. Regardless of the circumstances of his comeback, it’s hard to imagine speed Use the character without reminding Oliver of the sacrifices he made to save the multiverse, especially Barry. Stephen Amell’s cameo as Arrow in the series is sure to spark emotional memories of Crisis on Infinite Earths.

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