The DCEU Mocks John Cena’s Superhero Casting In 3 Ways

Premiere three episodes on HBO Max peace The show revealed John Cena’s superhero role in three different ways. The Suicide Squad member and little-known DC Comics character is Cena’s first live-action superhero role. suicide squad In the movie, Cena got the chance to star in her own superhero TV series.

Largely due to his physique, Cena’s name has been mentioned in many discussions about various superhero roles. For years, he was seen as a potential candidate for roles like Captain America, The Thing, etc. While many people supported the idea of ​​Cena playing a Marvel or DC superhero, there were also those who opposed the idea. for the two studios choosing professional wrestlers as their biggest superheroes. However, Cena’s performance in movies like bee Helped change some minds. In fact, many consider him a strong candidate for the role of Shazam, a role that Zachary Levi eventually took on.

Gunn making Cena the patriotic peacemaker in the DCEU is an interesting choice, even ridiculed by the film itself. There have been many complaints about John Cena being too big, but some commented that his clothes are too small for his body. The hospital janitor said Smith’sso healthy‘ and commented that they often have the body of a gymnast. In the third episode, Leota Adebayo (Danielle Brooks) teases people who think professional wrestling is real, which can be seen as the original Cena becoming the one to delve into the star’s career.

Above all, peace It was joked that the character might be on steroids. In one scene, Adebayo insults him, saying he did it because “Milwaukee horse-riding toilet headInstead of refusing to take steroids, Cena’s mediator seems to accept it, instead taking issue with her claim that she’s from Milwaukee. Most notable at this point is the long history of steroid controversy surrounding Cena. Many other professional wrestlers have been accused of using steroids by fans because of Cena’s muscular body. The question of whether Cena uses steroids has been raised since the early 2000s.

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the way peace Bringing up the issue of steroids and the fact that professional wrestlers don’t always live up to superhero actors’ expectations helps prove that Cena is indeed the right choice for Smith. For a role like Peacemaker, what the DCEU and Gunn needed was an actor willing to laugh at himself. suicide squad and the first three episodes peace Make it clear that not only does Cena really enjoy the humor, it also suits him well.

peace New episodes are released every Thursday on HBO Max.

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