Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accepted gifts and luxury travel from a Republican donor (Report)

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been given a “luxury vacation,” estimated to cost more than $500,000, from billionaire Republican megadonor Harlan Crow, according to a new report.

The 74-year-old judge enjoyed week-long retreats at the Republican donor’s private resort in the Adirondacks, vacations at his ranch in East Texas and a 9-day trip to Indonesia thanks to the donor, according to a new ProPublica report. through People.

“For more than two decades, Thomas has accepted luxury trips virtually every year from the Dallas businessman without disclosure, documents and interviews show,” the report read.

His salary as a Supreme Court Justice is $285,000. Travel is not included in your financial statements, ProPublica Grades

According to ethics experts, this may violate a law that requires judges, judges, and other public servants to disclose most gifts.

He has yet to issue a statement after the report.

Harlan Crow issued his own statement, saying that he and his wife had been “very dear friends” of the Thomases since 1996.

“We have never inquired about a case pending or in a lower court, and Judge Thomas has never argued one, and we have never tried to influence Judge Thomas on any legal or political issue. More generally, I don’t know of any of our friends who have ever lobbied or tried to influence Judge Thomas, and I would never invite anyone who, in my opinion, intended to do so. They are gatherings of friends,” he said.

Last year, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas called for further reconsideration of Americans’ rights protections.

Categories: Biography

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