Stunning X-Men Fan-Art Showcases The Women Of The Atom

The stunning new X-Men fan art shows Atom in all her glory. The X-Men franchise has long been known for its strong, well-developed female characters. It’s part of the legacy of legendary X-Men writer Chris Claremont, who has an outstanding talent for raising women — or at least, that talent was in the comics industry of the 1970s. Definitely different. often. It was Claremont who turned Marvel Girl into a phoenix, created Storm, and created the X-Men’s evil wizard, Magek.

Over the past few weeks, artist JP Pinto has used Instagram to gradually reveal his versions of the full X-Women lineup. He’s drawing characters from every era in X-Men history, though the focus is on characters Claremont has created or is deeply influenced by. Now, the final painting is complete—a beautiful work of art featuring the 14 famous female members of the X-Men.

The list is fascinating and includes (left to right, top to bottom): Monet Saint Croix (M), Rogue, Storm, Rachel Grey, Dazzler, Psylocke, Kwannon, Jean Grey, White Queen, Polaris, Jubilee, X-23, Magik and Kitty Pryde. The characters wear a variety of interesting costumes, some original and some taken directly from the comics, providing a glimpse of what happened in the past and what might happen in the future. . Magik is the final addition to the composition, adding a degree of asymmetry to the finished image.

JP Pino only focused on women who were members of the X-Men, and he included most of the female leads. Each woman poses a perfect pose, most notably the telepathic Emma Frost, who has a moderate degree of grumpiness. Of course, every X-Men team needs their own Wolverine, though JP Pinto chose Laura Kinney in the sexier outfit she wore as an X-23. Fans noticed the closeness between Kitty Pryde and Magik, and the love in Illyana Rasputin’s face; they’re a welcome “ship”, especially now that both Magik and Kitty seem to be considered fantastic by current Marvel writers Son. The most impressive aspect of this art is how some powerful effects – especially those of Dazzler and Jubilee – cast light on the other women in the photo, giving an almost realistic effect.

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JP Pino points out that he’s not adding everyone, though he’ll likely return to the popular artwork later to introduce other popular X-Women. But for now, he needs a break – understandably, considering the work on this hugely impressive piece of X-Men fan art.

Source: Instagram

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