Spider-Man: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The Andrew Garfield Movies

It’s been a decade since the first ‘Spider-Man’ reboot came out, despite lackluster reception ultimate Spiderman After the movie was released, fans were still clamoring for a sequel to that universe. It offers a darker, more realistic character and introduces viewers to a similar Andrew Garfield.

While many are still hostile to Sony for micromanaging the movies and killing off the franchise, there is hope for a third installment. awesome spiderman A movie will be made that will make Garfield appeal to audiences once again. It remains to be seen whether such movies will ever be made, but fans can always stick to the original movies and the memes they inspire to satisfy their cravings.

ultimate Spiderman

Andrew Garfield delivers one of his most intense performances as Peter Parker in his original film. He has to play a vengeful vigilante who slowly learns the value of saving others while retaining the more nerdy side of Peter Parker’s character.

compared to the dark tones of the first time awesome spiderman In the movie there is the appearance of Garfield there is no way home Mainly used for humorous relief, as evidenced in the meme above, where his standout moment is described as making Toby’s back motionless. It’s hilarious, but doesn’t do as well what his Spider-Man has achieved in his solo films.

“Best Spider-Man Sequel”

While Andrew Garfield is a beloved actor who threw himself into the role of Spider-Man, his films have not received the most positive reviews. Super Spider-Man 2 Known especially for the chaotic plots and overbearing directives of the studio.

Although there are still many controversies Spider-Man 3 or thisSuper Spider-Man 2 is the worst of the Creepers movies, with the meme rightly pointing out that the latter is far from the best. It might build on some of the good ideas that were established in the first movie, but it doesn’t do much.

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Don’t fall off the building

It’s been said that tragedy and comedy are two sides of the same coin, and while whether that’s true in real life is debatable, it’s absolutely true of the above meme. Spider-Man is good at saving people, but when it comes to Andrew Garfield’s achievements with buildings, the stats aren’t very good.

in spite of Spider-Man: No Way Home He did an excellent job of redeeming himself with Garfield’s version of the Nets pitching by saving MJ, but the truth is he still couldn’t save Gwen from falling from the top of the clock tower. Super Spider-Man 2. This failure, combined with his accidental fall from a skyscraper in the first movie, is enough to make him the least likely Spider-Man to get caught.

non-original reboot

Despite being criticized for reducing the quality of Remy’s films, the first part awesome spiderman is a decent origin story that explores how a dark Peter must learn to take responsibility. However, it cannot be denied that it is derivative.

While most fans will point out how the movie repeats the story rhythm of the first live-action Spider-Man movie, this particular meme also connects the two. ultimate Spiderman And Social network. Although Lizard Man in the latter film is just an attack on Mark Zuckerberg, Garfield is still happy to go up against “similar opponents” in his two most popular films.

Gwen Stacy, the best love interest

For too long, most female characters in superhero movies were merely meant to catch the eye of audiences and were seen as plot devices to inspire heroes. Even the groundbreaking Spider-Man movie Raimi fell prey to the troubled Mary Jane.

at that time ultimate Spiderman In the movie, Gwen Stacy is a breath of fresh air. In addition to being Peter’s lover, she’s an independent character, she’s controlling her boyfriend, she’s smart and selfless in her own right, and is perfectly capable of helping Peter in his life. his adventures.

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Peter refuses to keep his promise

one of the most interesting aspects this awesome spiderman The film is the love story of Peter and Gwen. In every scene they share, it’s clear Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone have fiery chemistry, especially when Peter reveals to Gwen that he’s Spider-Man.

While Peter and Gwen have a very close relationship, his relationship with Gwen’s father is more volatile. Although the two make amends during their fight with the lizard, Peter still disrespects the man at the end of the first film, suggesting he can continue his relationship with Gwen, regardless of him. how dangerous.

I’ll shut you down

Although used an easier to forget swap in the first place awesome spiderman Using the film as a model, the meme is a scathing indictment of Amazon’s greed and inhuman business practices. It also teased Sony for canceling ultimate Spiderman Movie.

While there’s still debate over whether Mark Webber’s film was canceled due to poor box office performance or Andrew Garfield’s refusal to attend the event, the meme still shows viewers the reality of how to micromanage the film. Sony for movies. They may not work 12-hour shifts, but they are responsible for it all Super Spider-Man 2 It was a mess.

dennis leary is haunted

in one of the most beautiful scenes this awesome spidermanPeter promises the dying Captain Stacy that he will stay away from Gwen to keep her safe. While there were hints that Peter would keep his promise because he avoided the funeral, he completely broke it at the start of the sequel.

The consequences of Peter’s actions can be summed up in the meme above, which shows how his guilt manifests in images of Captain Stacy across New York City. While this makes sense from a story point of view, the repeats are amused by the over-hyped music and Dennis Leary’s stern look at Captain Stacy’s ghost.

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before starting work ultimate Spiderman Marc Webb, who directs most of the music videos, didn’t make a name for himself until he directed this dramatic romantic-comedy. 500 days of summer. The film proved to be a surprisingly successful film, in no small part thanks to the edgy script and the chemistry that Weber developed between the main characters.

Although The Amazing Spider-Man The movies are action blockbusters, and at their core, they aspire to be dramas about romantic characters. It’s testament to the fact how hot the scenes between Peter and Gwen in the first film are, and how less engaging most of the action is by comparison.

I’m not a bad spider

Many consider Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man to be a poorly represented character who is far from Spider-Man in the comics due to his good looks and ferocious personality. However, when this meme sums it up perfectly, people quickly realize how well Garfield has gotten into the role since he was cast in Garfield. Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Since Nowhere was released, people have begun to re-evaluate Weber’s films, and while both are clearly poorly written films (the second is worse than the first), but fans have come to respect Garfield’s performance in these films. His charisma and the way he plays the sadder scenes in these films proves that his Peter Parker is just as effective as Tom Holland and Tobey Maguire’s, a fact that has only now been recognized. .

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