Southern Charm: Why Leva Bonaparte Stands Apart From The Cast

Leva Bonaparte participates Southern charm With the cast of season seven, so far there have been a lot of differences between her and the rest of the cast. Leva has become Southern charm Friends of Cameran Eubanks since season one. While Leyva is mostly behind the scenes, she often comments on the romantic lives of Shep Rose and Craig Conover.

The following Southern charm In season six, Cameron decided to leave the show after co-star Katherine Dennis spread rumors that her husband, Jason Wimberly, was cheating on her with a local makeup artist. Leiva joins Southern charm Season 7 replaced Kaman with the full cast. She soon becomes too busy dealing with Catherine, whom she wants to confront over allegations of fraud. However, Leva felt she had to “teach” Catherine talks about racing after the monkey emoji scandal.

is the first official actor Southern charm As a woman of color, Leva felt a lot of pressure in her first season. The restaurant owner is also married to her black husband, Lamar Bonaparte, with whom he shares a son, Lamar Jr. Southern charmFans commented on how their lives are different from the rest of the members. Leva, 43, is older than many of her co-stars and seems more focused on family and career than husband-and-wife drama. Southern charm Star.

Some Southern charm Fans have accused Leyva of being boring this season and not delivering enough drama. However, with Leyva’s stable relationship with Lamar, her life is free of the conflicts as a single couple. Southern charm. Lamar doesn’t appear much on the show, and many believe Leyva chose to keep her marriage a secret. Shep, the same age as Leyva, has been reluctant to settle down, despite a serious relationship with Tyler Ann Green. Southern charm The actors are all in their 20s or early 30s and unmarried.

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from Southern charm In the seventh season episode with Catherine, Leyva said she wanted to play the role of a peacemaker and mediator more in season eight. As usual, Catherine is at the center of nearly every conflict in the latest installment. This time, however, Naomie Olindo and newcomer Venita Aspen find themselves at odds with the fiery redhead. Leva declared “Mom” A member of the group, content with inferiority Southern charm Season 8.

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