Snapchat: What GMS, SFS & Other Abbreviations Mean

Snapchat users often communicate using terms that aren’t typically used on other social media platforms, such as GMS and SFS. The celebrated social media app might have taken a back seat to TikTok recently, but that hasn’t stop it from keeping up with the times and while some commonly used lingo might seem familiar, there are still words that only fit with Snapchat’s unique format.

Despite the rise of other social media platforms like TikTok, Snapchat continues to evolve with new updates and remains relevant in the process. The way Snapchat encourages user interaction helps to maintain interest, frequent usage and engagement, among its members. As Snapchat’s varied tool-set continues to evolve after each significant update, so does the terminology of its users who want to get their point across while still being as succinct as possible.

Snapchat is now littered with terms associated with the app and two of the most commonly used ones are GMS and SFS. The former usually stands for “Good Morning Streaks,” although it can be altered to mean “Good Night Streaks” as well. Snapchat encourages users to constantly interact with each other to form “Snapstreaks.” One of the easiest ways for users to retain these streaks is through daily greetings, a habit that can easily be formed and practiced on a regular basis. Snapchat users then start or end their days using GMS or GNS on Snaps, so that they don’t have to go to the trouble of recovering lost streaks. When it comes to SFS, this usually means “Snap For Snap” or “Shoutout For Shoutout,” referring to users mutually promoting each other to their respective circles.

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Other Common Snapchat Abbreviations Explained

Snapchat is brimming with abbreviations and there’s almost a term for every scenario. When asking someone to connect, users often say AMOS, which is short for “Add Me On Snapchat.” Then there’s PMOYS, or “Put Me On Your Snapchat,” and this is used when someone asks to be mentioned or have their picture included in a Snap. SB stands for “Snap Back” and no, it doesn’t have anything to do with hats. Instead, it refers to when a user wants to engage in a series of Snaps, or is simply asking for a response.

SNR, or “Streaks N Recent” applies when someone wants to know the person a user currently has a Snapstreak with, along with the last person they spoke to on Snapchat. FFF, or “Follow For Follow” is when a user follows someone and asks to be followed in return. It’s also common for users to add, omit or even alter specific letters in abbreviations, to either refer to something specific or pluralize its meaning. Although the wordplay in the app is just as varied as the games, new users will likely find it doesn’t take too long before they become fluent in Snapchat.

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