Sinead O’Connor’s Funeral Photos Show Hundreds of Mourners Crowding Streets of Ireland

Sinead O’Connor has been laid to rest and hundreds of people lined the streets to say a final goodbye.

The “Nothing Compares 2 U” singer tragically passed away last month at the age of 56 and her funeral took place on Tuesday (August 8) in Ireland.

CNN reports that the funeral cortege drove past Sinead‘s old home and while her funeral procession was public, the actual burial was a private moment.

Sinead‘s coffin was draped in blue, pink, and purple flowers and her photo was at the end of the car, which could be seen out of the back window.

Hundreds of mourners lined the streets and some of the celebs that attended the funeral included Bob Geldof, U2‘s Bono and The Edge, and Ireland’s president Michael D. Higgins.

Shaykh Dr Umar Al-Qadri, who led the funeral, said during the eulogy that Sinead “suffered more than her share of hardship and adversity, especially in her formative years, much of it from adults and institutions she revered, and yet she displayed an unflinching and resolute faith in the Divine. The more she sang and spoke about her own pain, as well as about the pervasive sins in society that she witnessed, the more her voice and her words resonated with listeners and touched their hearts.”

Browse through the gallery for 40+ photos from Sinead O’Connor’s funeral procession…

Categories: Biography

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