Signalis: How to View Every Ending

Signalis has multiple endings to view and unlock, and these are mostly based on player performance, such as the number of enemies killed and time spent exploring the mysterious base. The endings themselves will show different outcomes for the main hero Elster and her allies in this horror title.

Because the endings can get obtuse, it is a good idea to play casually for the first time through Signalis. Then, once one understands the level layout and enemy placement, one should concentrate on a different ending. This will also make tasks like opening up safes and conversing ammo much easier.

Regular Endings

Players should note that as part of the story, there is a fake ending that depicts Elster dying while returning to the Penrose ship. However, one should not be fooled and quit. Players simply need to wait a few seconds, and Signalis will restart, showing that the main character only sustained heavy damage. Most real endings will show Elster with makeshift repairs, including a new right arm and gray chest plate.

For the remainder of the game, the following endings depict Elster’s escape from the hellish underworld and their arrival at the Penrose. These Signalis endings are determined by previous player actions. This includes the number of enemies killed, times Elster died but continued, and overall time in a single save session.

The Cowardly Ending

This is the cowardly ending achieved by avoiding combat, staying at high health, and having a long playtime by searching and talking often. This Signalis ending shows Elster getting to the Penrose but having no recollection of her friends or mission. She will exit the ship and die without remembering what occurred.

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The Balanced Ending

The balanced ending of Signalis is achieved by being medium at everything. Avoid fights, but also don’t linger to search around; essentially, speed run to try and beat the game within five hours or less. This time around, Elster will locate Ariane aboard the Penrose. However, they don’t quite recall one another and simply lie down, waiting to die.


The most aggressive ending is gained by heavily damaging enemies, sustaining wounds without bothering to heal, and often dying but choosing to reset rather than quitting Signalis. Like the previous ending, Elster will find Ariane, but this time remembers her promise to euthanize her friend. Elster will then choke her friend to death and then slowly wait to die herself.

Secret True Ending

Signalis: How to View Every Ending

The true conclusion of Signalis is titled Artifact. It is gained by finding all three special keys: Sacrifice, Eternity, and Love. Next, players will need to go to certain floors of the compound, then to a certain named room, and finally, use the radio and tune into a frequency.




Radio Signal


2F Leng

Isolation Room



8F Leng

Dark Bedroom




Itou Backrooms


Once all keys are gained, players need to use them to unlock a passageway right before the final boss at Rotfort. Inside will be a locker containing a Lilly Flower. As long as players leave this flower in their inventory, the ending of Signalis will override all other possibilities. Elster will use it to override the real world and create an endless loop where she and Ariane can live in peace.

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