Shaquille O’Neal reveals the two activities left on his bucket list!

Shaquille O’Neal talks about his wish list!

The 51-year-old former basketball star has practically done it all, having won four NBA championships with the Los Angeles Lakers, an Olympic gold medal and also having ventured into film, television and music.

Read on to find out what’s left on Shaq’s wish list…

According to Shaq, there are a couple more things he would still like to accomplish.

“I’ve done almost everything I set out to do, but I would like to skydive,” he said. People, adding that seeing people skydiving on social media sparked his interest in the activity. “I was always following these kids skydiving and jumping out of airplanes, and I always wondered what it would feel like if I could do that. So if I do something out of this world, it’s probably that.”

Shaq also revealed that he wants to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, which is the highest mountain in Africa.

“I’ve thought about it, getting to that,” he said. “But I’ll probably have to get in top shape to do that.”

If you missed it, Shaquille O’Neal recently revealed one thing he can’t do because of his height!

Categories: Biography

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